Line 506-506 from CSceneCollisionManager.cpp:
Link to the document is here (Written by Kasper Fauerby in 2003):// This code is based on the paper "Improved Collision detection and Response"
// by Kasper Fauerby, but some parts are modified.
I can understand only a tiny amount of the principles talked there as my math skills are not that good.
Found also this document about the same concepts with extra details and tricks by Paul Nettle (Generic Collision Detection using Ellipsoid). ... psoids.pdf
The part of the source I'm talking about is the collision response animator that use an ellipsoid for collision detection, use gravity and find a slide plane to move. The source code is located mostly on that file: CSceneCollisionManager.cpp and CSceneCollisionManager.h
From the comments of the authors thoses methods should work in almost any situation and the ellipsoid should not get "stuck". Also in theses documents they are talking about velocity that could be reused to have a sliding and bouncing effect.
IF I'm using a really simple geometry to work on, there is no problem. But everytime I've tried with more complex geometry. I'm getting stuck, and sometimes there nothing really visible that block the way.
I'm wondering if the source could have problems . Could be the way the sampling is done inside the triangle selector or if the collision is done properly (the ellipsoid could enter the plane and that could explain why it's getting stuck) I understood a lot more from Paul Nettle document.
If someone could have time and enough math knowledge to see the source and check the documents to see where could be the problem, the collision response animator could be more useful.
Thanks to anyone that would take the time to to look into this.
Also note that the problem could be me! Perhaps there is really some limitations of using a ellipsoid over arbitrary geometry (convave could cause problems)