Space Rock Defense (2D Asteroid Shooter)

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Space Rock Defense (2D Asteroid Shooter)

Post by mjwelch224 »

Space Rock Defense
Here is the project I'm working on. It's called Space Rock Defense and it's a 2D asteroid shooter.

Any feedback/constructive criticism is appreciated.

*** Updated 11/22/09 ***
- Disabled console window
- Added reverse
- Updated to a better collision response function (fully elastic collision)
- Armor and shield bar for player 2
- Fixed the rotation issue which caused you to shoot out of the side of your ship. (thanks dipi)
- Seeker missiles now just keep their velocity when their target is lost and continue on untill they expire. Also made them faster. It was too easy for the other player to outrun them. :)
- Fixed the missile explosion. Now when it makes contact it explodes into a small spread of shots which pass through asteroids.
- New Weapon: Shotgunish - Fires a spread of balls which causes medium damage.
- New Weapon: Mine - Stationary mine which explodes on contact (unfinished).

Updated 11/14/09
- More animated sprites
- Player shields reflect shots

Updated 11/10/09
- Added sprites
- Added missile (major damage to first asteroid it hits, explosion damage to surrounding asteroids)
- Added seeker missiles (shoots 3 low damage missiles)
- Shields
- Now you can explode. :)

Known Bugs:
- If you fire the seeker missiles without a target, the game crashes.
- [FIXED] Seeker missiles not drawn at the correct angle
- [FIXED] When the player rotates too far in either direction, the sprite frame locks up
- [FIXED] Some seeker missiles have trouble finding a new target.

Here is the demo:


Last edited by mjwelch224 on Mon Nov 23, 2009 8:45 am, edited 13 times in total.
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Post by shadowslair »

Haha! This is fun! Playing with a friend on the same pc will be even better. I`d use 3d models and ortho view if I was you, but this way it has it`s own "classic arcade" look. Adding some weapons, power-ups and different obstacles behaviour, maybe some animated flashing stars in the background etc. will improve the playing experience as well. Add Hi-score table. A "place-a-mine" powerup will be nice addition in 2-player mode. Some ship speed-up from powerups and speed down effects when the ship "armour" and energy is low. Boxes with the "?" sign may give you some nice or bad stuff- on your risk. A bad-power up would be reverse control or not able to shoot for limited time etc. If your friend heads up to pick a power-up and right before taking it you shoot and push the powerup away from him will make him mad and on... Just throwing ideas. Anyway, good luck expanding it! :wink:
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Post by Adler1337 »

This game is awesome. i love the sound effects and explosions. Good Job :D
multum in parvo
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Post by shadowslair »

You can give the player the option to choose from 3 types of space ships (maybe add different models for each type too):

1) Fast: Speed = 3; Weapon = 2; Armour = 1;
2) Offensive: Speed = 2; Weapon = 3; Armour = 1;
3) Armoured: Speed = 1; Weapon = 2; Armour = 3;

Or why not just make him set the 6 skillpoints himself? In arcade mode you may start with S=1;W=1;A=1; and earn upgrade points and on...

This kind of games are usually played with the arrows, so in "Single Player" make the arrows active too and the shield with LCtrl for example.
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Post by mjwelch224 »

Thanks for the feedback guys. You had a lot of nice ideas shadowslair. I just added two players and now I'm working on a basic menu. Next on my list is lives, levels, and I'm thinking it would be cool to have not only score for each player but basic stats like accuracy, number of asteroids each player shot, etc. at the end of each level. Also, I'll be adding a simple money/credits system which will allow you to buy ship upgrades and new weapons. I'll update the binary as soon as I make some progress worth updating.

Thanks again for the feedback.
Last edited by mjwelch224 on Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Lonesome Ducky
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Post by Lonesome Ducky »

Looks great! It just so happens that I'm working on the exact same type of game, how ironic :lol: Maybe I can get some inspiration from this! Oh and, do you mind if I use the explosion image in your data file?
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Very cool and very addictive

Post by Jesus.Net »

I never thought that a game with either, can hook so soon. You just need to work a bit pointer, and some more effect ... It's great, I was fine! :P
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Post by mjwelch224 »


I had a chance to do a little work on my asteroid shooter project. I added the ability to upgrade your ship and lasers. There is also a little more structure as far as levels go. Each time you destory all the asteroids, the store will pop up, allowing you to buy upgrades. When you select "ready," the next level will start each adding more and more asteroids.

Well, let me know what you guys think. Thanks. :)
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Post by bitplane »

Looks good, but I think it needs some game balance!
There are no limits on some things (like energy, bullet speed, energy cost etc), the price of things doesn't go up at all but the amount of money you get each level does.
It's far too easy, I could play just by sitting in the middle and holding down fire. Also the bullets don't clear at the start of a round.
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Post by Valmond »

Very cool game, finished feeling of it (except balance as bitplane said) and fun!

More types of asteroids (like huge ones you don't want to destroy in the beginning) would be nice and an explanation for the different upgrades (Pierce, what do that do?).

Keep up the good work!
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Post by MasterGod »

Man this game is sooooo funnny and fun!
Very funny game!
Promise me you're gonna improve it? Will ya? I love it..
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Post by mjwelch224 »

Thanks for the feedback guys. I'm glad you like it.

I'm in the process of finding the best range of values for all the upgrades so it is balanced. Most will have 10 levels, each level will increase in price and give a better bonus. Also will be adding a short description for each upgrade.

Pierce (when I get it working.)
Every asteroid has health and every laser shot has a certain amount of damage/energy. When a laser hits an asteroid, the game subtracts the laser damage from the asteroid health. Pierce allows any leftover laser energy after an asteroid is destroyed, to keep going untill it hits another asteroid or it fades away (Laser Distance Upgrade).
- Level 1 = 5% left over energy keeps going
- Level 2 = 10%
- etc.

I have four asteroid types in the works right now. Basic rock, ice, metal and crytal. Each has a different size, look, mass, health and number of fragments it breaks into.

And don't worry, I'm working on it whenever I can. :)
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Post by t0rt0r0 »

Very nice ! Good job !

Some remarks :

- The console windows that speed down the game when there is too much asteroids, maybe you can set an option for it ?

- The gui look that you can improve also ;) (very good for the options !)

- Sometimes asteroids appears on our ship :( and asteroids explosions are badly transparent (hard to screenshot but we see a square)

- With no fire speed repeat limit we can fill the screen with bullets and they are not cleared the next stage if they go really far ;)

Good job ;)
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Post by wildrj »

Hehe just got around to playing the game was wicked fun. I managed to get the game to lagg my computer ;). So Heres a fun screenshot. << My gamedev blog
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Updated 11/10/09

Post by mjwelch224 »

Hello everyone,

Been working a bit on my project.

I updated the download link on the main post to my latest version.

Check it out and let me know what you think! :)
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