irrlicht iphone branch problem with iPhone SDK 3.0

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irrlicht iphone branch problem with iPhone SDK 3.0

Post by pir »


I recently upgraded to iPhone SDK3.0 and nothing works since then. I'm using the ... es/ogl-es/ branch of irrlicht. I've tried to use the latest code, but the matierial rendering don't work and my animations behave a bit strange (strange as in not moving the same way as before). Using my old version of the branch (sorry, do not remember which label) irrlicht crash because of something that seems to be a problem with memory handling. The app works on my iPod but not in emulator.

I'm really hoping that somebody of you know a solution to my problem. I would be really sad to have to look for some other GameEngine because of this. Or do someone know about any other iPhone branch of Irrlicht that is not broken?
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