I have two noob questions about animation :
1) Is it possible to use b3d or md2 format to model a non character object (without bones) ? All posts are about human or characters.
I model a simple cube in blender, animate from up to down (with LocRot keyframes) and export with gandalf exporter (b3d) or built-in exporter (md2)
When I load it in irrlicht, it doesn't animate (b3d or md2), but the object is visible.
Code: Select all
IAnimatedMesh *MyMesh = m_IrrSceneManager->getMesh("media/test.md2");
IAnimatedMeshSceneNode *MyNode = m_IrrSceneManager->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(PompeMesh);
MyNode->setFrameLoop(1, 60); //for b3d only
MyNode->setMD2Animation(EMAT_RUN); // for md2 only
Is it possible to create animation in blender and, for example, load and "attach" an animation to the camera or another object, or all the animations must be packed with the mesh ?
Thanks for yours answers.