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Building realese configuration

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 11:50 am
by U238
Hello guys from me and my newbie questions.
I use Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 and tried to build my program in release configuration for the first time (for the debug conf build passed successfuly). I got a number of warnings and errors for each my source file except the first one

Code: Select all

warning C4727: PCH named d:\...\OctaveMapEditor.pch with same timestamp found in (1).obj and (2).obj Using first PCH
(1).obj: error LNK2005: ___@@_PchSym... already defined in (2).obj
For not to overload post I don't write my tryings to solve the problem.
Help me build my program please )

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:39 am
by CuteAlien
Not sure if it helps, but .pch are probably pre-compiled headers. Maybe disable using those to see if you can compile then.