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FPS manipulate??

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:46 pm
by J.sean
hi everyone.

I'm studying irrlicht engine lately..

and I'm not sure but I got this idea that I can't control FPS.. Irrlicht always try to make the fastest result.

for example.. in DARK GDK, I was able to control FPS. if I set it to 30, the engine will fix the FPS to 30.

is there any function or something like that in Irrlicht?


Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:00 pm
by Alpha Omega
Why are you trying to cap the FPS? If you are planning to run the game dependent on frame rate that is not the preferred method of choice. It is better to keep everything time dependent. Can you explain what exactly you are trying to do by capping the frame rate?

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:07 pm
by Bear_130278
There is a way 8)))
When you a running fullscreen uoy can set the flag of VSync to true, so you'll get FPS fixed to the refresh rate of your monitor.... 60-75 ect

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 5:58 am
by J.sean
oh... thanks for replying guys..

and.. well... I'm not planning to run the game dependent on frame rate..

it's just ..... my curiosity. haha.

maybe it's because I studied Dark GDK first and saw that function on it... and got curious if irrlicht engine has that kind of function.. haha

is irrlicht has that kind of function?

oh.. something came to my mind... like.. what if I make a simple 2D puzzle game? isn't it too fast to set fps 60 or higher for such a game? I would like to set fps less than 10 in such a case.. ^^

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 7:49 am
by Sylence
Why do you care about the FPS?
Just code and code and code and if your game doesn't run smooth anymore optimize and optimize and if the game runs smooth again code and code and ...

Just ignore the FPS. It is just a meaningless number

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:51 pm
by J.sean
well.. I don't know..

just once I want to know, I have to know.. haha

it's killing me.. haha ..
well.. I guess irrlicht has no such a function wether or not it's not important.. hmmm..