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Some recomended book for those who can programming

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 9:52 pm
by munemune
Every programmer know to learn some programming language first you must understand the programming language it self. For example C++ for dummy, will tell you how to write code in C++. But after you understand and master some programming language, some of you my have question.

How to make your code easy to read and manage, not only by you but other programmer to ?
How to write good algorithms and data structure ?
Etc, etc (about good programming way, not the programming language it self)

My recomended book to answer above question is :

"the practice of programming" by Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike

Its highly recomended book for every programmer, the book provide you "the way of good programming", it will not teach you about programming language or data structure, but how to write good code and suggest some consideration when you write your own code.

Hope its useful. Btw the book is available in ebook form, just googling and download it :)

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:36 pm
by Lonesome Ducky
I had the C++ for dummies book, I loved it :) Although I'm still pretty bad at formatting and making pretty code. I might check that book out

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:54 pm
by J.sean
oh.. if only you guys can understand korean, i have some books to recommend you guys...

but... hmmm... I don't think there's lots of korean speaking people here..haha

hope I can speak english well thought.... :)

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:29 pm
by Alpha Omega
C++ Primer Plus 5th Edition is great it has a great introduction but describes c++ very well for a intro book. 5 stars

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:47 pm
by Valmond
Working with other coders learned me more than I got from any book (concerning
codingstyle, readability, maintaining a codebase etc.), maybe because there are so
many coding styles out there and so many ways to do it (right and wrong) :) ?

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 1:20 am
by Repgahroll
A good way to learn (if you already know how to program and want to improve your level) is to browse source codes from others...

For example, if one want to learn how to program a game engine, and already know C++, a good start is to download Irrlicht/OGRE sources and try to understand them... most sources has nice comments and if you search on documentation (or internet) the things that you don't understand, you can easily "understand" how the whole engine works. (at least the core part, or the parts that you think you need (or just want) to know)

A lot of people consult other sources while writing their similar ones, most of them publish after the release something like "based on x".

A classic example (at least for me) is to write a calculator... when i want to learn a new language i just search for someone who made and opensource (preferably command-only) calculator and looking his source i write my own (generally better :D *) calculator. *-It's generally better because i also implement input/output functions in every calculator i make (save to file, read from file, etc.), because most of them don't have such features and it's an important part.

This is how i learned Perl (basic-medium level) in one week. If you have some programming background, it's easy to learn other languages this way, and the more languages you know the more easy is to learn the other. Of course if you plan to go pro you need advanced knowledge, so it's not very recommended to learn this way. The best way is to take a good advanced book.

By the way, i think the free tutorials published on C++ specialized websites are pretty nice to learn.