Map Irrlicht Questions

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Joined: Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:09 am

Map Irrlicht Questions

Post by neoncore »

Hello i am trying to make game and i need to have indoor + outdoor scene mixied so i can see the outdoor while indoor, anyway

can i use BSP Maps for indoor + outdoor scenes [like in half life 2?]

is there is good free map editor [not irredit i have proplems with it]

does it require more codeing for BSP Indoor + outdoor Maps?
Posts: 27
Joined: Sat Feb 28, 2009 6:15 pm

Post by Xarshi »

I believe you can use both. There is an example that shows the terrain surrounding the castle in an irrlicht sample. I haven't had too much experience with BSPs, but I'm sure its possible. Just check the examples. It might just be the quake 3 shader example, so that might be your best bet. I'd look there.
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