very strange phenomenon!

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very strange phenomenon!

Post by r5ive »


i created a project using visual studio 2008 express edition.
since the projects name is "quake3", my executable name is also "quake3.exe".

now im using xeffect for bloom, blur, shadows and so on. but no matter what i do, the shadows look completly unlike the examples blindside supplied with the source.

the only difference is that im using my own bsp map instead of the offered b3d map. now the crazy part:

as long as the executables name is "quake3.exe" the shadows looks incorrect. But as soon as i rename it to whatever (doesnt matter if "quake2.exe", "quake4.exe" or "test.exe") the shadows look perfect!

how is that possible? is this some kind of protection to prevent people from replacing the original quake3.exe with an (irrlicht/xeffect)-improved one?

since im working on some bsp maps for a game i wanted gtkradiant to start my own quake3.exe to see the results using xeffects improvements quickly. similar to what afecelis suggested in his tutorial.

well its a strange phenomenon or maybe im really tired. however i spend several hours to come behind it. it looks like intention to me. does anybody know what is going on?

btw: does anybody have an idea how to get this gtkradiant problem solved? thank you!

EDIT: i just renamed blindsides "Example1.exe" to "quake3.exe" and get the same strange results! try it out.

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Post by Seven »

I cant believe that you are even talking about this out in the open. For God's sake man, encrypt your text if you are talking about it so that shhhhhh. someone's here.....
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Post by drewbacca »

I think its pretty common for graphics drivers to make game-specific optimizations. They only use the executable name for applying the optimization, so your graphics driver is probably disabling things that don't matter for quake3 to make it perform faster. I would just choose a different name, or check if your graphics driver has configurable options for game optimizations.
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Post by r5ive »


yes, its a driver issue. i didnt think of that at all. now everything looks fine.


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Post by Sundar »

drewbacca. that is awesome man. you must be a detective. :D
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Post by Brainsaw »

Lol ... if I had this error it would have driven me mad ;). I don't think that I would *ever* have thought of game-specific optimizations from the graphics driver.
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Post by BlindSide »

Oh no you discovered my secret plans for world domination! :P

Nice find.
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