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[Team Needed] - Distraction

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:21 am
by Pyr0mann
You work in an office/factory environment. Everyone thinks you are nothing more than a cog in the machine. But you will show them wrong.

The new company project will be your time to shine. To show them you can make a difference. You realize that all you have to do is prevent others from doing their job and the project will fail. Can you do it without your managers knowing?

Are you the only one who has come to this realization?.....

System Overview:
This game is a long play FPS with RPG components. Allowing a user to run a server that allows approximately 20 players to connect. A single run of the game should take somewhere between a week and a month to play through.

The end application can be used as both a client and a server. The server should have the option to persist between restarts, or to reset and generate a new game world.

Worldmaps will be randomly generated consisting of smaller sub-parts. These parts will be large rooms, hallways, special rooms, and small outside areas. Large rooms will have randomly generated submaps of obstacles. Obstacles will consist of, desks, cubicles, boxes, and other non movable items. This allows for replay value and prevents players from memorizing places of advantage or shortest paths.

The human player base will be augmented with many computer controller characters. These characters will be capable of continually operating the game world without player interaction.

For added realism, there should be movable or destroyable objects on and around immovable objects. Allow for objects to be arranged and stacked, then realistically knocked down, then reassembled.

Weapons will consist of rubber band guns, foam dart projectiles, and other annoying type objects. These objects will require realistic trajectory calculations. These objects are also very inaccurate which will require physics calculations.

Current Status:
I have 2 people helping with the project so far. We are high on ideas and documenting design details; and low on code. Working on game loop and networking code; have a general map storage, generation and retrieval system.

The goal is to produce a game that is worth distributing. The idea is to use it to showcase skills and abilities. This is not being designed with the intent to make money.

At this point we would be interested in combining with another FPS project team, or adding more people to our team. We are looking at simply using existing mesh and model data, we are in definite need of someone with experience creating models.

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:19 pm
by hybrid
Could you please post some more details, early layout sketches, etc? Team requests are often made for projects which don't deserve even being mentioned, so you have to show that you really mean what you say and come with some enthusiasm :D

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:15 am
by Pyr0mann
I understand your criticism. At this point there are no sketches or storyboards. It is hard to storyboard the game because we have only begun to lay out the ideas for quests, player advancement, and "boss fights". Even if one of us was Picasso, any game artwork would look like a generic office building.

I tried to keep my post small, yet give a general idea about the game concept. And to give an idea of the technical achievements we are aiming for.

We have been testing out existing frameworks and parts that others have posted on the forums here. We are doing this to gain experience with game development, so the general flow has been to work on small parts or ideas and try to fit them together under a general game concept.