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calculate angles between two vectors

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 4:16 pm
by Auradrummer
Hello guys,

Is a quite simple, but a useful tool. I think there is nothing like this in class vector3d. So, I built this inside vector3d.h and worked fine.

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        //! Get angle between vectors
        T getAngleBetween (const vector3d<T>& vec2)
            f32 angle;              
            angle = acos((X * vec2.X + Y * vec2.Y + Z * vec2.Z)/(
            sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) * sqrt(pow(vec2.X,2) + pow(vec2.Y,2) + pow(vec2.Z,2))
            return angle;
That's it.

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:54 pm
by Acki
maybe I don't get your goal, but what angle do you calculate there ??? :shock:
I thought there are 3 angles between 2 vectors (X, Y and Z), but you're calculating just one angle !!!

also because it uses a template it should be:

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T angle;
and not

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f32 angle;

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:22 pm
by porcus
There a two angles which can be returned by this function (the bigger
and the smaller one). If you want to make sure to get always the smaller
angle you have to use: abs(X * vec2.X + Y * vec2.Y + Z * vec2.Z) instead
of (X * vec2.X + Y * vec2.Y + Z * vec2.Z).

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:30 pm
by Halifax
@Acki: Given any two arbitrary vectors, they lie in a plane. The code that Auradrummer wrote calculates this angle.

@Auradrummer: Actually, although not completely self-evident, this functionality is possible with the current implementation of vector3d. It's great that you're studying these new topics though and contributing what you are learning! I just want to give you a little bit of constructive criticism because I know of you, from the past, and I know you are truly trying.

Firstly, Acki is correct, you should use the template parameter T; secondly, in its current state, your code is hard to read and the style is incoherent. That's an easy fix. For example, here is code that does the same thing, but is a bit more readable:

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//! Get planar angle between vectors
T getAngleBetween (const vector3d<T>& vec2)
	const T dotProduct = X * vec2.X + Y * vec2.Y + Z * vec2.Z;
	const T length1 = sqrt (X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z);
	const T length2 = sqrt (vec2.X * vec2.X + vec2.Y * vec2.Y + vec2.Z * vec2.Z);
	const T cosAngle = dotProduct / (length1 * length2);
	return acos (cosAngle);
Now with that exercise out of the way, it's time to talk about how Irrlicht already provides the capability for you to do this. You could either normalize the vectors before hand and then calculate the dot product [1], or calculate the dot product and then divide by the sum of the lengths like your code does [2].

[1]: A note must be made that vector3d<T>::normalze does modify the vector.

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const f32 angle = vec1.dotProduct( vec2 );
[2]: Equivalent to what you wrote above

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const f32 dp = vec1.dotProduct( vec2 );
const f32 angle = dp / (vec1.getLength() + vec2.getLength());
So the reason you probably don't see that code inside of vector3d is because the implementation in code is trivial. You could of course keep the modification for yourself in your own copy of Irrlicht, but I don't think the developers plan on putting the code into the class.

At any rate, great topic Auradrummer. Keep up the hard work.

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:41 pm
by DavidJE13
Just saw a small typo - lengths should be multiplied not added, and an arccos is missing;

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const f32 angle = acos( vec1.dotProduct( vec2 ) / (vec1.getLength() * vec2.getLength()) );
(I know that Halifax knows this - I'm simply pointing it out in case somebody tries to use the final code verbatim and has problems)

Also since it hasn't been pointed out yet, x * x is WAY faster than pow( x, 2 )
and in the original code, sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) * sqrt(pow(vec2.X,2) + pow(vec2.Y,2) + pow(vec2.Z,2)) can be sped up hugely by changing it to;

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sqrt( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) * (vec2.X*vec2.X + vec2.Y*vec2.Y + vec2.Z*vec2.Z) )
which has the advantage of only 1 call to sqrt. This can be done with the built-in functions too, so the absolute fastest method for getting the angle between 2 arbitrary (not necessarily normalised) vectors is this;

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const f32 angle = acos( vec1.dotProduct( vec2 ) / core::squareroot( vec1.getLengthSQ() * vec2.getLengthSQ() ) );
edit: wait, I just noticed reciprocal_squareroot in the API;

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const f32 angle = acos( vec1.dotProduct( vec2 ) * core::reciprocal_squareroot( vec1.getLengthSQ() * vec2.getLengthSQ() ) );
has the advantage of being compiled back to the code above in the worst-case, and take advantage of any optimised reciprocal squareroot functions (i.e. if FAST_MATH is turned on)
I actually can't see why this shouldn't be included in Irrlicht;

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T getAngleFrom(const vector3d<T>& other) const
    T length = getLengthSQ() * other.getLengthSQ();
    if( core::equals(length, 0.0) )
        return 0.0;
    return acos( dotProduct( other ) * core::reciprocal_squareroot( length ) ) * (T) RADTODEG64;
would be quite a nice function to have sometimes

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:16 pm
by Halifax
Nice catch there DavidJE13, thanks. By the way, very comprehensive post there, I agree with everything you said; furthermore, on second thought, given the optimizations, I can't see why it wouldn't be included either.

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 10:34 pm
by pippy3
Every time I need to get the angle between two vectors I simply normalize them then get the dotproduct.

If one of the vectors are a rotation, and not a direction there's a function in vector3d<T> rotationToDirection.

For example, just today I needed to check if an enemy was facing the player. I had something like this:

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vector3df faceVector = getRotation().rotationToDirection();
vector3df toPlayerVector = line3df(getPosition(), player->getPosition()).getVector().normalize();
f32 dotProduct = faceVector.dotProduct(toPlayerVector);
the closer dotProduct is to 1 the closer the vectors are to each other. Both the vectors must have the length of 1. (so they have to be normalized)

Though OPs solution is easier to read

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:43 pm
by jeromegz
sqrt (vec2.X * vec2.X + vec2.Y * vec2.Y + vec2.Z * vec2.Z);

use fsqrt instead :

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double fSqrt (double y) {//no q3 or lemont code, read
    double x, z, tempf;
    unsigned long *tfptr = ((unsigned long *)&tempf) + 1;

	tempf = y;
	*tfptr = (0xbfcdd90a - *tfptr)>>1; /* estimate of 1/sqrt(y) */
	x =  tempf;
	z =  y*0.5;                        /* hoist out the “/2”    */
	x = (1.5*x) - (x*x)*(x*z);         /* iteration formula     */ 
	//x = (1.5*x) – (x*x)*(x*z); //repeat for more 
	//x = (1.5*x) – (x*x)*(x*z);
	//x = (1.5*x) – (x*x)*(x*z);/ 
	return x*y;
code under zliblicence / free to use (see Paul Hsieh's)


fsqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) * sqrt(pow_a(vec2.X,2) + pow_a(vec2.Y,2) + pow_a(vec2.Z,2))
with :

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#define CARRE(x) x*x
unsigned pow_a(int a, int b)
{ return  CARRE(a);

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:50 pm
by arnir
wow so many solutions for this problem
so, what is the best solution for this?
I use it frequently in my AI code
thnaks :wink:

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 3:29 pm
by REDDemon
yeah and it is not necessary use acos or sqrt. you can do it also with elementary operations :)