Single KeyPress

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Single KeyPress

Post by Murloc992 »

Yo, a nooby problem/question here. Is it possible to make a single key press/key release action in event receiver? Bcz now I have a key press/release which tend to spam my key.. a lot... If yes, any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!
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Post by CuteAlien »

Sorry no. You have to handle that currently yourself. You might be able to disable key-repeat with OS system-functions. I think we had a thread about that recently and I think we should offer either some way to disable that in Irrlicht or add another flag to the key-event so people find out if it's a repeat key or not (but not sure right now if that info is easy to get on all systems - I think we can get it on Windows, not sure on X11 right now).

So if you add a feature request for that into the feature-request tracker you can help us not to forget that.
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Post by Bate »

and until then you could do something similar to this:

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bool CStateMenu::OnKeyInputEvent(const irr::SEvent &e)
  if (!e.KeyInput.PressedDown)
    switch (e.KeyInput.Key)
      case KEY_ESCAPE :
        // something
      } break;

  keys[e.KeyInput.Key] = e.KeyInput.PressedDown;
  return false;
so it triggers onRelease
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Post by humbrol »

may be a dumb idea but could you set a timer to see if a second had passed
if so then if the key is pressed set a bool to true if false and false if true?

if(deltatime > 1000)
if(keypressed = TRUE)
keypressed = FALSE)
keypressed = TRUE

nor meant to run, but just tossing a idea out..
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Post by Bate »

just had another idea which is pretty much exactly what you want:
you just need a bool var in your eventreceiver (set false on startup in the constructor)

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// member var of eventreceiver
bool OnceDone = false;

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// key input function
bool OnKeyInputEvent(const irr::SEvent &e)
  if (!e.KeyInput.PressedDown) OnceDone = false;

  if (e.KeyInput.PressedDown && !OnceDone)
    switch (e.KeyInput.Key)
      case KEY_ESCAPE :
        // do something here
        OnceDone = true;
      } break;

  return false;
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