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Exporting from Blender doesn't look right in irrlich[SOLVED]

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:58 pm
by pilesofspam
I modeled and textured a flying saucer in Blender, and then exported to pretty much everything: .x, .3ds. and even used irrb to export to an irrmesh file.

The problem is that I can easily load my mesh, but it doesn't look right. Here's the problems:

1. Some of the materials I've chosen have some transparency (like bottle glass). All of these show up as solid white in my irrlicht scene.

2. In irrlicht, about half of my surfaces are textured on the wrong side, meaning they're transparent on the side that I want the texture on, but I can see the texture if I move the camera INSIDE the UFO.

I'm including a pic of the saucer in blender (not the fully rendered version, just the working window), later on I'll post a picture of what I see in irrlicht.


Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 3:41 pm
by Adler1337
For #1 try to set the material to transparent using irrlicht.
For #2 sounds like you may need to flip your normals inside blender.
Hope this helps. If it doesn't maybe i am not understanding your problem.

PS Are you showing backfaces inside irrlicht?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 4:44 pm
by pc0de
The irrb Tutorials contains a link on how to setup/export transparent materials using irrb.

Adler is correct about flipping the normals for issue #2. In Blender select the problem faces, hit the WKEY and then select "Flip Normals". You can visualize the Normals in Blender by activating "Draw Normals" in the Mesh Tools panel.

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:25 pm
by pilesofspam
PS Are you showing backfaces inside irrlicht?
Yes! Flipping the normals sounds like exactly what I need to do to fix this issue. Thank you!
The irrb Tutorials contains a link on how to setup/export transparent materials using irrb.
I didn't download and try irrb until after midnight, so admittedly, I haven't done my homework yet. I'll start by reading the tutorial. Thank you.
Adler is correct about flipping the normals for issue #2. In Blender select the problem faces, hit the WKEY and then select "Flip Normals". You can visualize the Normals in Blender by activating "Draw Normals" in the Mesh Tools panel.
That's what I'm looking for. You guys just saved me hours of hair pulling frustration. I'll post back here when I have results, probably Saturday.

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:13 pm
by pilesofspam
Had to walk a little before I run- here's a simplified UFO in iwalktest. Normals are correct, and I've got a semi-transparent png mapped onto the dome. The rest is left pretty much flat grey for now. From here I can see where I'm going. Thanks for your help with the normals, the tutorials and irrb manual were excellent.
