whene analyzing my project cause of an error i had found an peculiar gab in the id series of my programm ...
the ids should by like [0,1,2,3,4,5,6 etc.]
but i found out that it is like [... 81,82,61820 ... etc] (see screenshot)
the code of the id class is
Code: Select all
#pragma once
class _id
private: static unsigned int _nextId;
private: unsigned int id;
private: _id(_id&);
private: _id operator =(_id&);
public: _id(void);
public: ~_id(void);
public: unsigned int get(void)const{return this->id;}
public: unsigned int next(void)const{return this->_nextId;}
Code: Select all
#include "_id.h"
unsigned int _id::_nextId = 0;
this->id = this->_nextId;
does anyone of you know because this occours
regards zeus