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I'm makeing a C++ 2D STG game.Anyone interested in?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:15 pm
by wuyihao
Maybe we can make it together,as I don't have enough programming experience.

By the way.I can't speak English well.But I'm sure you can understand what I mean.

My game has progressed well.Now,he has the following features:

1:Has one Plane class
2:Has one Bullet base class and its derived class.They can easily be extended.
3:He's able to run.But there's just one plane(Player1),one static background,and four kinds of bullets,include "Pistol","Rifle","Wall"(around the player),"Laser".
4:Has some simple pictures.
5:Haven't been standard yet,but will.

IDE : Code::Blocks


Other Tools : particleIllusion 3.03 under wine.(It can make some pictures of bullets)

Anyone who'd like to may leave me your E-mail,I'll send my source to you to make it together!

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 6:41 am
by michelsteeve
Hi I am interested in it. I am also a game developer but never made game in C language as I am using other languages. So you have to guide me through. Send me the source. It will fun learning some thing new. :)

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:46 pm
by getgood123
i could help with the voice acting and stuff since i have not much experience
in c++ and irrlicht