Since it is only 2D and if you are really up to the challenge, then you might want to create your own collision detection algorithms using the Separating Axis theorem. That's what I have done since I want to start with 2D as well.
I could have chosen some physics engine, but I wanted to learn the underlying physics of it. I'm a stickler for punishing myself!
It takes time though, even on a simple level.
I can find collisions with convex or concave polygons.
You set up the collision checking to first test for bounding box collision. If the bounding boxes don't collide, then there is no collision. If the bounds boxes collide, then you test with SA theorem, then you do the full check at the end to get the point of intersection, normal etc. so you can respond to the collision.
Then you can make your map thing in various ways.
One basic method is to make the boundaries (black parts) into sections of convex polygons. Put them all in an array and as your objects travel around the map, they check for collisions against those boundary polygons.
Doing it that way can reduce your overhead. You can basically just check the polygons that are in your vicinity if you keep the map polygons ordered by x and y position in the array.
I created a static class of functions to perform collision testing between 2 objects. (Headers below) Then I made a collision manager which uses these static functions and keeps track of objects.
Code: Select all
struct SPolygonCollisionResult
//! Empty Constructor
: pPolygon1((ICollisionObject *)NULL),
pPolygon2((ICollisionObject *)NULL),
//! Constructor
SPolygonCollisionResult(ICollisionObject const * const p1,
ICollisionObject const * const p2)
: pPolygon1(const_cast<ICollisionObject *>(p1)),
pPolygon2(const_cast<ICollisionObject *>(p2)),
//! Constructor
SPolygonCollisionResult(ICollisionObject const * const p1,
ICollisionObject const * const p2,
irr::core::vector2df const & intersect,
irr::core::vector2df const & normal,
irr::f32 depth)
: pPolygon1(const_cast<ICollisionObject *>(p1)),
pPolygon2(const_cast<ICollisionObject *>(p2)),
//! First polygon
ICollisionObject * pPolygon1;
//! Second polygon
ICollisionObject * pPolygon2;
//! Intersection point
irr::core::vector2df vIntersect;
//! Normal to polygon 2
irr::core::vector2df vNormal;
//! Amount of penetration
irr::f32 fDepth;
}; // end struct SPolygonCollisionResult
class CCollision
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
//! Check for collision between a point and a rectangle.
/** \param ptTestPoint: point (position) to test collision with.
\param rcBox: box (rectangle) to test collision with.
\return: Returns true if ptTestPoint has collision with rcBox. */
static bool isPointInsideBox(irr::core::vector2di const & ptTestPoint, irr::core::recti const & rcBox)
return rcBox.isPointInside(ptTestPoint);
static bool isPointInsideBox(irr::core::vector2df const & ptTestPoint, irr::core::rectf const & rcBox)
return rcBox.isPointInside(ptTestPoint);
static bool isPointInsideBox(irr::core::vector2di const & ptTestPoint, irr::core::rectf const & rcBox)
return rcBox.isPointInside(irr::core::vector2df((irr::f32)ptTestPoint.X, (irr::f32)ptTestPoint.Y));
static bool isPointInsideBox(irr::core::vector2df const & ptTestPoint, irr::core::recti const & rcBox)
irr::core::rectf const box((irr::f32)rcBox.UpperLeftCorner.X, (irr::f32)rcBox.UpperLeftCorner.Y,
(irr::f32)rcBox.LowerRightCorner.X, (irr::f32)rcBox.LowerRightCorner.Y);
return box.isPointInside(ptTestPoint);
//! Check for collision between 2 rectangles.
/** Note: The rect function isRectCollided only needs to test 1 way to find an overlap.
\param rcTestRect: Rectangle 1 to test collision with.
\param rcBox: Rectangle 2 to test collision with.
\return: Returns true if rcTestRect has overlapped rcBox, or vice versa. */
static bool isRectCollision(irr::core::recti const & rcTestRect, irr::core::recti const & rcBox)
return rcTestRect.isRectCollided(rcBox);
static bool isRectCollision(irr::core::rectf const & rcTestRect, irr::core::rectf const & rcBox)
return rcTestRect.isRectCollided(rcBox);
static bool isRectCollision(irr::core::recti const & rcTestRect, irr::core::rectf const & rcBox)
irr::core::rectf const testRect((irr::f32)rcTestRect.UpperLeftCorner.X, (irr::f32)rcTestRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y,
(irr::f32)rcTestRect.LowerRightCorner.X, (irr::f32)rcTestRect.LowerRightCorner.Y );
return testRect.isRectCollided(rcBox);
static bool isRectCollision(irr::core::rectf const & rcTestRect, irr::core::recti const & rcBox)
irr::core::rectf const box((irr::f32)rcBox.UpperLeftCorner.X, (irr::f32)rcBox.UpperLeftCorner.Y,
(irr::f32)rcBox.LowerRightCorner.X, (irr::f32)rcBox.LowerRightCorner.Y );
return rcTestRect.isRectCollided(box);
//! Check if a rectangle is fully inside another bounding rectangle (not on border either).
/** \param rcTestRect: Rectangle to test.
\param rcBox: Boundary rectangle.
\return: Returns true if rcTestRect is fully inside rcBox. */
static bool isRectInsideBox(irr::core::recti const & rcTestRect, irr::core::recti const & rcBox)
return (rcTestRect.UpperLeftCorner.X > rcBox.UpperLeftCorner.X && rcTestRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y > rcBox.UpperLeftCorner.Y &&
rcTestRect.LowerRightCorner.X < rcBox.LowerRightCorner.X && rcTestRect.LowerRightCorner.Y < rcBox.LowerRightCorner.Y);
static bool isRectInsideBox(irr::core::rectf const & rcTestRect, irr::core::rectf const & rcBox)
return (rcTestRect.UpperLeftCorner.X > rcBox.UpperLeftCorner.X && rcTestRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y > rcBox.UpperLeftCorner.Y &&
rcTestRect.LowerRightCorner.X < rcBox.LowerRightCorner.X && rcTestRect.LowerRightCorner.Y < rcBox.LowerRightCorner.Y);
static bool isRectInsideBox(irr::core::recti const & rcTestRect, irr::core::rectf const & rcBox)
irr::core::rectf const testRect((irr::f32)rcTestRect.UpperLeftCorner.X, (irr::f32)rcTestRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y,
(irr::f32)rcTestRect.LowerRightCorner.X, (irr::f32)rcTestRect.LowerRightCorner.Y);
return (testRect.UpperLeftCorner.X > rcBox.UpperLeftCorner.X && testRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y > rcBox.UpperLeftCorner.Y &&
testRect.LowerRightCorner.X < rcBox.LowerRightCorner.X && testRect.LowerRightCorner.Y < rcBox.LowerRightCorner.Y);
static bool isRectInsideBox(irr::core::rectf const & rcTestRect, irr::core::recti const & rcBox)
irr::core::rectf const box((irr::f32)rcBox.UpperLeftCorner.X, (irr::f32)rcBox.UpperLeftCorner.Y,
(irr::f32)rcBox.LowerRightCorner.X, (irr::f32)rcBox.LowerRightCorner.Y);
return (rcTestRect.UpperLeftCorner.X > box.UpperLeftCorner.X && rcTestRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y > box.UpperLeftCorner.Y &&
rcTestRect.LowerRightCorner.X < box.LowerRightCorner.X && rcTestRect.LowerRightCorner.Y < box.LowerRightCorner.Y);
//! Performs a collision test for two collision items. Check both ways.
/** Note: This only needs to be done when a bounding box overlap has occured. So do that test first.
Note: Uses the SA and VE test to check for collision. Does not keep any stats.
\param pPolygonA: The first polygon.
\param pPolygonB: The second polygon.
\param sCollisionResult: Return parameter.
\return: Returns true if there is a penetrating vertex.
\pre: the polygons are assumed to be valid. */
static bool isPolygonCollision(ICollisionObject const * const pPolygonA,
ICollisionObject const * const pPolygonB,
SPolygonCollisionResult & sCollisionResult);
//! Performs a collision test for two collision items. Check both ways.
/** Note: This only needs to be done when a bounding box overlap has occured. So do that test first.
Note: Uses the SA and VE test to check for collision. Does not keep any stats.
\param pPolygonA: The first polygon.
\param pPolygonB: The second polygon.
\param arVertexCollisionA: The address of the array of boolean values representing each vertex of pPolygonA, and whether each vertex collides with pPolygonB.
\param arVertexCollisionB: The address of the array of boolean values representing each vertex of pPolygonB, and whether each vertex collides with pPolygonA.
\param sCollisionResult: Return parameter.
\return: Returns true if there is a penetrating vertex.
\pre: the polygons are assumed to be valid. */
static bool isPolygonCollision(ICollisionObject const * const pPolygonA,
ICollisionObject const * const pPolygonB,
irr::core::array<bool> & arVertexCollisionA,
irr::core::array<bool> & arVertexCollisionB,
SPolygonCollisionResult & sCollisionResult);
//! Check if polygon A is going to collide with polygon B.
/** Note: Does not keep any stats. Only check one way.
Uses the separating axis theorem to test for collision.
Checks every vetex of PolygonA against every edge of polygonB for collision.
If one of the edges of polygon B is a separator line, we can return false.
To find a collision we must check every edge of polygon B.
\param pPolygonA: The first polygon that may collide with pPolygonB.
\param pPolygonB: The second polygon that may be impacted by pPolygonA.
\return: Returns false if there is an edge that separates the two polygons.
True simply means potential for an overlap.
\pre: the polygons are assumed to be valid. */
static bool SACollisionTest(ICollisionObject const * const pPolygonA, ICollisionObject const * const pPolygonB);
//! Test of all vertices in pPolygonA against all edges in pPolygonB.
/** Note: Does not keep any stats. Only check one way.
This is looking for a vertex in pPolygonA that is inside pPolygonB, a symmetrical problem to the above tests.
Note: This function returns the best collision result for the 2 polygons.
m_sBestCollide can be used to repair the collision when it happens.
\param pPolygonA: The first polygon that may collide with pPolygonB.
\param pPolygonB: The second polygon that may be impacted by pPolygonA.
\param sCollisionResult: Return parameter.
(Will be modified in this function to reflect the best collision found, else will be set to zero.)
\return: Returns true if there is a penetrating vertex.
\pre: the polygons pPolygonA and pPolygonB are assumed to be valid.
\post: The collision result, sCollisionResult has its two polygons set to the two polygon parameters, pPolygonA and pPolygonB. */
static bool VECollisionTest(ICollisionObject const * const pPolygonA,
ICollisionObject const * const pPolygonB,
SPolygonCollisionResult & sCollisionResult);
//! Check if a any points of a polygon are inside a non-convex or convex polygon.
/** Note: Does not keep any stats. Only check one way.
This is a parallel test to testSA, which first check if there is a collision, before finding the exact intersection.
FAST VERSION, but does NOT set an array of boolean values indicating which vertices had collisions.
Returns once a collision is found. If using the SLOW version (below), the return parameter, arVertexCollision,
can be passed back into the function VEConcaveCollisionTest(). Which allows VEConcaveCollisionTest() to
perform more quickly by skipping all non-colliding vertices. It only needs to check the vertices that were
found to be colliding to find the deepest collision.
\param pPolygon: The polygon that may collide with pConcavePolygon.
\param pConcavePolygon: The polygon that may be impacted by pPolygon.
\return: Returns true if the polygon is inside the concave polygon, else false.
\pre: the polygons are assumed to be valid. */
static bool SAConcaveCollisionTest(ICollisionObject const * const pPolygon, ICollisionObject const * const pConcavePolygon);
//! Check if a any points of a polygon are inside a non-convex or convex polygon.
/** Note: Does not keep any stats. Only check one way.
This is a parallel test to testSA, which first check if there is a collision, before finding the exact intersection.
Note: SLOW but PROPER VERSION. Sets an array of boolean values indicating which vertices had collisions.
The return parameter, arVertexCollision, can be passed back into the function VEConcaveCollisionTest().
This allows VEConcaveCollisionTest to perform more quickly by skipping all non-colliding vertices.
VEConcaveCollisionTest won't work correctly otherwise, as it doesn't know which side of each edge is inside the polygon.
So it would simply find the vertex that is closest to any edge, inside or outside the polygon.
That is why we must use the version of SAConcaveCollisionTest function that has the array parameter arVertexCollision.
This function sets the array with boolean values indicating if each vertex is inside or outside the polygon.
We can then pass this array into the VEConcaveCollisionTest function.
There are 2 versions of SAConcaveCollisionTest because we may want to find a collision without finding collision results.
But there is only one version of VEConcaveCollisionTest which uses the array because trying to find the exact collision result
without first knowing which vertices are inside the polygon, is useless. Gives unreliable and incorrect results.
\param pPolygon: The polygon that may collide with pConcavePolygon.
\param pConcavePolygon: The polygon that may be impacted by pPolygon.
\param arVertexCollision: The address of the array of boolean values representing each vertex of pPolygon, and whether each vertex collides with pConcavePolygon.
Note: The boolean values must be set in this function.
\return: Returns true if the polygon is inside the concave polygon, else false.
\pre: the polygons are assumed to be valid. */
static bool SAConcaveCollisionTest(ICollisionObject const * const pPolygon,
ICollisionObject const * const pConcavePolygon,
irr::core::array<bool> & arVertexCollision);
//! Test of all vertices in pPolygon against all edges in pConcavePolygon.
/** Note: Does not keep any stats. Only check one way.
FAST VERSION, does use an array of boolean values indicating which vertices had collisions. Thus, can skip non-collising vertices.
This is looking for a vertex in pPolygon that is INSIDE pConcavePolygon.
This function sets the member vavriable, m_sBestCollide.
m_sBestCollide can be used to repair the collision when it happens.
\param pPolygon: The polygon that may collide with pConcavePolygon.
\param pConcavePolygon: The polygon that may be impacted by pPolygon.
\param arVertexCollision: The address of the array of boolean values representing each vertex of pPolygon, and whether each vertex collides with pConcavePolygon.
Note: The values cannot be changed in this function. This array must be calculated previously. The function SAConcaveCollisionTest sets these values.
\param sCollisionResult: Return parameter.
(Will be modified in this function to reflect the best collision found, else will be set to zero.)
\return: Returns true if there is a penetrating vertex.
\pre: the polygons are assumed to be valid.
\post: The collision result, sCollisionResult has its two polygons set to the two polygon parameters, pPolygon and pConcavePolygon. */
static bool VEConcaveCollisionTest(ICollisionObject const * const pPolygon,
ICollisionObject const * const pConcavePolygon,
irr::core::array<bool> const & arVertexCollision,
SPolygonCollisionResult & sCollisionResult);
//! Performs a boundary collision test for a polygon and a boundary polygon. Does not keep any stats.
/** Note: This is a symmetrical problem to the polygon collision tests which
check if any vertices of one polygon penetrate (ENTER) any edge of another polygon.
This function checks if any vertices of pPolygon EXIT the boundary of polygon pBoundary.
\param pPolygonA: The polygon that may collide with boundary pBoundary.
\param pPolygonB: The boundary polygon.
\param sCollisionResult: Return parameter.
(Will be modified in this function to reflect the best collision found, else will be set to zero.)
\return: Returns true if there is a penetrating vertex.
\pre: the polygon and boundary are assumed to be valid. */
static bool isBoundaryCollision(ICollisionObject const * const pPolygon,
ICollisionObject const * const pBoundary,
SPolygonCollisionResult & sCollisionResult);
//! Check if polygon is going to collide with boundary polygon.
/** Note: Does not keep any stats. Only needs to check one way.
Note: Uses a modified (reversed) implementation of the separating axis theorem to test for collision.
Checks every vetex of PolygonA against every edge of polygonB for collision.
If one of the edges of polygon B is not a separator line, we have found a collision and can return true.
To prove that there is no collision we must unfortunately check every edge of polygon B.
\param pPolygon: The polygon that may collide with pBoundary..
\param pBoundary: The boundary polygon.
\return: Returns true if there may be a collision.
\pre: the polygon and boundary are assumed to be valid. */
static bool SABoundaryCollisionTest(ICollisionObject const * const pPolygon,
ICollisionObject const * const pBoundary);
//! Test of all vertices in pPolygon against all edges in pBoundary.
/** Note: Does not keep any stats. Only needs to check one way.
This is looking for a vertex in pPolygon that is OUTSIDE pBoundary.
This function sets the collision result parameter variable, m_sBestBoundaryCollide.
m_sBestBoundaryCollide can be used to repair the collision when it happens.
\param pPolygon: The polygon that may collide with pBoundary.
\param pBoundary: The boundary polygon.
\param sCollisionResult: Return parameter.
(Will be modified in this function to reflect the best collision found, else will be set to zero.)
\return: Returns true if there is a penetrating vertex.
\pre: the polygon and boundary are assumed to be valid.
\post: The collision result, sCollisionResult has its two polygons set to the two polygon parameters, pPolygon and pBoundary. */
static bool VEBoundaryCollisionTest(ICollisionObject const * const pPolygon,
ICollisionObject const * const pBoundary,
SPolygonCollisionResult & sCollisionResult);
}; // end class CCollision
Just a note: I also made some "reverse" SA tests to do boundary collision checking. Normal SA test checks if the polygon is entered, whereas proper boundary collision checks if you exit.
But as I was explaining before all the code above, you can just make polygons from the boundary and test for collision using the standard SA test.
If you want my collision manager code, plus the static functions above, I'm not quite happy to release it yet. It's not fully tested yet. I just did some static tests.