Requesting new Forum section from moderators

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Requesting new Forum section from moderators

Post by slytron »

Mr Moderator(s)
It would be great if there was a seperate forum section for irrlicht mobil programming :)
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Post by Adler1337 »

That sounds like a good idea :)
multum in parvo
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Post by hybrid »

Well, this is definitely the wrong forum for such requests. I'll move it to Open Discussion.
Moreover, having about 5 different threads about mobile devices and drivers (iPhone, android, OpenGL-ES, don't even know about any more) seems a little to few for a separate forum. If you want to collect interesting things in a central place just use the Wiki. Frequently used threads are also always on the first page, so unless the thread becomes ignored it will be as easily accessible as in a separate forum.
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Post by Garfinkle »

I think a general Mobile forum would be very handy.

As the community on here so so large and the amount of posts that have been made, make it harder for someone like me (a new Irrlicht User) to find the posts specific for mobile development.

For example typing iphone into the search returns a large amount of results (104 topics) where a large amount aren't necessarily related to what I am searching for.

At the moment it isn't too bad as doing exact search like (iphone touch) returns more accurate results, as this community continues to grow which I quite easy expect it too then it is going to become harder for new users to the mobile scene to find what they are looking for.

A dedicated mobile forum would be much handier (not necessarily sub forums such as opengl es, iphone, symbian etc.)
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