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Some questions about mapping and camera

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:25 pm
by tzzm

I am to write a 3D game and I chosed Irrlicht to do it. I think it's not necessary to explain the whole idea here, so I will just ask:

1. Is it possible to create a spherical .bsp map? Is it possible to apply shaders to it (for example to make the whole map look like a glass ball)?

2. How do I "attach" my camera to the map's walls so that it can't move off the walls? To make it more understandable, imagine an insect walking on the walls, floor and ceiling of your room and being unable to fly. :)

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:39 pm
by Zeus
Hello ...

to your first question: i believ that the tutorial PerPixelLighning could help you

to your second question: i think that there is no posibility for irrlicht to do that ... you have to impliment it by your own ... maybe irrlicht could help you with the collisons ... but the rest (reactions to the collisions) is up to you ...

regards Zeus

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 10:47 pm
by Lonesome Ducky
As for the walking on walls thing, just cast a ray from the opposite of your camera's up vector, set it's position to where the ray collides, and rotate the camera so it's up vector is the colliding triangle's normal.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:38 pm
by tzzm
Ok, thanks for your answers. I don't understand them yet but hopefully they will be very useful in the nearest future. Thanks one more time.