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Irrlicht on the iPhone

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:38 am
by Felbel
I've searched throguh the forums and I cant really find anything that works. I want to mess around with Irrlicht on the iPhone but before I can do that I need to be able to get the engine working on the phone itself.

I've checked out the ogl-es branch and have tried a few things that were mentioned in the forums but in the end my results are the same.

Any and all help in getting the engine running on the iPhone would be appreciated!

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:45 pm
by Felbel
After some tinkering i was able to build the lib and get the 'Hello World' app running on the simulator. However now when I try to compile for the device I get an error saying the lib is not of required architecture...

I'm fairly new with Xcode, but this seems like it might just be a problem with a simple fix using the IDE?

Any suggestions would be appreciated...

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:40 pm
by Garfinkle
Old topic but incase anyone else comes across this, follow the instructions as you would for building the libIrrlicht.a file but instead of setting your base SDK to simulator, set it to device.

This will allow the library to be built with the ARM6 and ARM7 architectures. You may have to change this in the 'Targets' properties as well as the Project's Settings.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:26 pm
by nathanf534
Just a random question, but do you have to have a Mac to compile Irrlicht for the IPhone, or will it compile on windows?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:29 pm
by Garfinkle
You will need a Mac as you will need to use xCode which is only available for MAC, bit of a pain really, but that's Apple for you.