Terrain rendering

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Terrain rendering

Post by mindwarp »

Ok before people dig into me: I did use the search function, but I think I may need a little more hand holding than what is currently posted.

I am looking just to render some terrain, and I can make it appear on screen using a greyscale bmp file for my data. I still am, even after reading the tutorials, a bit unclear on triangle selectors. I would also like to implement a octtree, and while I am aware there is a scene node for it I am having a little trouble grasping that also. Can anyone post some code showing a full working example from beginning to end?
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Post by Kaeles »

Code: Select all

// init terrain  //
	IImage* heightmap= driver->createImageFromFile("hieghtmap.bmp");
	IImage* texture= driver->createImageFromFile("texture.jpg");
	ISceneNode* TerrainNode = 0;
	IAnimatedMesh* terrain = 0;
	 terrain = smgr->getMesh("terrain");
	 TerrainNode = smgr->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(terrain);
//create triangle selector//
	 ITriangleSelector* selector = 

//options loop//	 
	 if (TerrainNode)
	 TerrainNode->setMaterialFlag(EMF_LIGHTING, false);
	 TerrainNode->setPosition(core::vector3df (-3000.0f,0.0f,-3000.0f));
// init camera //
	ICameraSceneNode* camera = smgr->addCameraSceneNodeFPS();
	camera->setPosition(core::vector3df (200.0f,1200.0f,200.0f));
//camera animator//	
	ISceneNodeAnimator* CameraAnim = 
												core::vector3df(0,-100,0), 100.0f,
Last edited by Kaeles on Thu Sep 16, 2004 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Asheh »

I actually just tried this out but it hangs:

ITriangleSelector *selector = smgr->createOctTreeTriangleSelector(terrain->getMesh(0),terrNode);

Why would this happen?
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Post by Kaeles »

uh, are you using irr.6?
cause ive had problems with irr.7... i dunno for sure though, ill check later
my brain is fried.... too much class, too little time

Post by Chakotay1308 »

Hi guys,
I think I need some help... :(
I've just copied it to my source (just to test it). It works generally, but I can't find any terrain. Sometimes I can see in the upper left edge of the window a small piece of green (this is my "texture").

My "Terrain" is 64x64px sized mspaint-picture. ;) Black should be the deepest und white the highest point on the terrain. And my "texture" is a 64x64px sized piece of green (also made by paint).

So what was my fault with this?

Thanks a lot,

PS: I'm using irr.7 and have no problems!
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Location: oklahoma

Post by Kaeles »

I dont know why it hangs with octTreeTriangleSelector, but im guessing its because its not an octreescenenode?
if you change it to createTriangleSelector, it works fine :-D

well first, disable the animator on the camera, to make sure your not just falling through space... lol, ive done it many times.
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