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New, very different type of project getting started.

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 12:30 am
by gODsend
Using this truly awesome engine, I'm looking to start a new project that I have been working on for years(conceptually). I have interested investors, things could work out here......

Me, 16 years doing 3D, 20+ years 2D. Clients include Star Trek, Intel, HP, Paramount, Viewpoint, StormFront Studio, Rocket Science Games, etc.

So.... I'm search for a small team willing to jump into this adventure. I have the business side completely mapped out, BUT I DON'T WRITE CODE. Should have, use'to but I'm focusing on working at a different level now. I will also be looking for content folks too, but not right now.

If you live in the Bay Area, big plus. Marin or Santa Cruz counties is a huge plus.

So, if you know 3D programming, networking, and are good with math you are needed! And I think you will find this project very different then the rest!

In my opinion, 3D never really took off, it's time this technology flies.

Can anyone recommend where I can find...

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 2:10 am
by gODsend
Can anyone recommend where I can find some good programmers??? :?:

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 7:15 am
by mm765
looking at the restrictions regarding place of living, you might have better luck with the classifieds in a local newspaper :)
other than that you could try and such.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 8:09 am
by Tyn
Don't go to armed with anything less than a proper plan or they'll shoot you down and your request will be ignored like a lot of peeps who float on in there. From what I have seen they are quite good at flaming newb's who come in without a plan so you will have to show that you have got a plan ( IMO ).

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 9:17 pm
by Syphonix
I agree. I think they have a FAQ thing there that shows how you can format your question such that it will be properly answered. I'm an avid user of


Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 9:27 pm
by Guest
In my opinion, 3D never really took off, it's time this technology flies.
Elaborate, plz.


Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 2:04 am
by xhrit
I think a big fat design document would be helpful. About 30 pages, plus concept art. And if you are promising 'lotz ov cash for your programmerz', you might as well add your Federal Tax ID. That is, only if you want people to know that you have the business end taken care ov and that investors have something to invest in.

As a side note... if you don't write code, then you should not be deciding what code or how your programmers will write.

Re: :|

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 10:33 am
by Tyn
Anonymous wrote:
In my opinion, 3D never really took off, it's time this technology flies.
Elaborate, plz.
Yeah, in what way has 3D never taken off? I mean, it's not like 90% of the games that come out these days are in 3D is it ;)

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 6:40 pm
by Good Bye
3D is basically only used in games... a very small market share unless that's all you know.

No I'm not going ot post 1 30 page document for you all to steal the idea. No wounder everyone is moving code jobs over seas.

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 7:45 pm
by Tyn
Yeah right, never used anywhere but gaming.

What about architecture? It is used widely to sell a building idea to a customer by actually letting them walk around the building in full 3D.

What about a subject I know quite a bit about, engineering? 3D programs like EdgeCam for CNC machines have saved so much time due to the designer being able to interact directly with the engineer and allow him to quickly write a program based on the 3D model displayed by that. Do you own anything made out of plastic? Know why it is so cheap? Because making the metallic presses takes half the time and half the people to mill with 3D programs doing a lot of the legwork.

I think you don't actually know how important 3D has been to far more aspects than just gaming and if you do still think that then you are deluding yourself. The two examples I have mentioned are only two that I have come into contact in my limited time at work and I very much doubt it stops there.

As for this comment:
No I'm not going ot post 1 30 page document for you all to steal the idea.
If this idea is so brilliant and so fantastic what the hell are you posting it here for? Go patent the idea if you have so much confidence in it and don't ask for help from a public online board because there are so many people who claim exactly what you are and also claim that they can't disclose this idea because someone will steal it.

Whether you have an idea or not I can't say but you sure come across as a starstruck newbie trying to impress some people. Without any proof to the contray which you are unwilling to give why should people take you seriously and not people who actually try to communicate the idea? I don't flame everyone who comes in with an idea but people who promise riches in return to investment ( whether that be money or time ) that they cannot deliver or can't prove they can deliver are no better than the conmen who start pyramid schemes or the like.

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 7:51 pm
by Robomaniac

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 10:43 pm
by Masdus
besides, with your 16 years experience in 3D one would think you'd have better contacts for finding top notch programmers than on a public board for a open source engine.