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Cammera Near / Far Value -> Not rendering or removing

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 9:37 am
by random
i got a problem with my cammera at a game...

my cammera rotates mouse controlled arround a starcraft thet fires lasers, the cammera also can zoom in and out.

when i get to close to an object the object(laserbeam) might not be rendered and if it gets rendered it not gets removed i might have several laserbeams standing still pointing from nothing to nothing because the seeker (starcraft in the center where the camera moves arround) and aswell as the target (for example other starcraft) both have moved or rotated..

when the laserbeams hits the target there is a billboard with texture animation running in loop, whe in gets rendered and i am to close it might be removed after one cycle of the loop or loop and loop and loop without getting removed...)

btw both laserbeams and explosion billboard where never removed from secne just set to invisible and or replaced (what both does not work when to close with cammera)

the only way to remove those "ghost" objects iss to zoomout...

is this a known issue?

can i do something against that

my current cammera settings:
nearvalue = 1
farvalue = 6000000
FOV = 0.7

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 2:42 am
by Iyad
if you cant see it that means that the object position is simply not between the near and the far value (or in the view frustrum). try simply to reduce your near value and increase the FOV and the far value.