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[CURRENT: I need to display a vector3df type as stringw]

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:10 pm
by macron12388

I will just use one thread for all my questions, I will edit the title to show the current question I am asking. I hope to not spam the forum, as I will have a lot of questions.


Table of Contents

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  • compiler linker not finding MinGW UNSOLVED

    Converting a type like vector3df to a stringw type usable with setWindowCaption() UNSOLVED

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 1:51 am
by macron12388
QUESTION: I need to display a vector3df type with setWindowCaption(). I know it needs a stringw type as it's main argument, so I can't just pop it in there. Sorry, this must be a really basic data conversion, but I've been looking for a long time now, and tried basic searches like "vector3df to stringw" and such. How would I go about converting vector3df to a type I can display in setWindowCaption() as a stringw?



Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 2:00 am
by macron12388
QUESTION: I am able to load the code::blocks project file into code::blocks fine. I read through it, and hit build and run. It runs fine from within code::blocks, and as expected, there is an executable created in my main irrlichtversion/bin folder.


However when I try to run that binary it says that irrlicht.dll was missing, so I copied irrlicht.dll and libIrrlicht.a into that bin folder.


Now it is saying that I am missing libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll.



Here is how I have my code::blocks ide set up.




Also, I think I accidentally set the code::blocks user experience thing to "advanced" user interface, I'll look for that and set it to not-advanced.

Please let me know if you would like more information.

: Make sure you link into ALL the proper tabs. I missed my linker settings >.< Sorry... Well, for any other newbies out there, make sure you look carefully over your compiler settings/linkings before freaking out.

EDIT: Gah, nvmd, it still won't run the .exe outside the IDE, I probably am not linking things right, but I've spent the whole day checking and double checking EVERYTHING... *sigh*
EDITEDIT: :( Okay, everything seems to work fine in Visual Studios, I guess I'll just stick with that IDe until I get code::blocks up and running again...daaaaaanggg, I really liked code::blocks.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 2:11 am
by Bate
No clue about Codeblocks.

As for the string conversion :

Code: Select all

vector3df testVec(1, 2, 3);
stringw testStr;

testStr += (s32)testVec.X; // cast to int if you want
testStr += " | ";
testStr += testVec.Y;
testStr += " | ";
testStr += testVec.Z;

// would make it something like :
// "1 | 2.000000 | 3.000000"

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 2:31 am
by macron12388
Thanks looks good! :)

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 4:23 pm
by gerdb

this dll is found in the non official dw2 release of gcc

so it is not a problem of codeblocks, until it was compiled with gcc dw2 (dwarf2 edition), maybe you have a nightly build,

i had this error once, i downloaded the special compiler edition and use it since then until now and had never any problems so far.

but i dont know the exact reason i downloaded and installed this (guess some issues with wxWidgets)