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Hello I just wonder! how can i add many nodes?

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 9:29 am
by gantz0
I will make zombie game~

But i have Two problems.

I made mesh and added node~

like this~

IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* Wnode;
IAnimatedMesh* MonsterMesh = smgr->getMesh("x/monster.x");
IAnimatedMesh* CharMesh = smgr->getMesh("x/man.x");
Wnode = smgr->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode( MonsterMesh );
Wnode = smgr->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode( CharMesh );

But i don't know how can i know that i want to look for that i slected mesh in "Wnode"?
and How can i make many copied mesh? I'd like to see many zombies in my monitor.

Thank you for reading~

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:33 pm
by lazerblade
You could try "Wnode->clone()": ... adbaec95cc

I *love* pointing people at the code documentation. I actually spent painful
hours searching documentation to find this and many other solutions. ;)