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Irrlicht vs panda3d

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:08 pm
by wahagn

I have a question for irrlicht users who used panda3d before:
Can you some diffrences and similarities for irrlicht vs panda3d? Because there are a lot of people who compare irrlicht with ogre but I have never seen a topic on irrlicht vs panda3d and that's why I start this topic, but if there are topics on this posted already you can just give me the link. :wink:

Re: Irrlicht vs panda3d

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:14 pm
by Radikalizm
wahagn wrote:Hey,

I have a question for irrlicht users who used panda3d before:
Can you some diffrences and similarities for irrlicht vs panda3d? Because there are a lot of people who compare irrlicht with ogre but I have never seen a topic on irrlicht vs panda3d and that's why I start this topic, but if there are topics on this posted already you can just give me the link. :wink:
I believe panda3d is a complete game engine, irrlicht is just a rendering engine

Is irrlicht too much programming for you? :D

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:05 pm
by macron12388
I've used panda d before. It's just as much work, if not more than irrlicht. Although an upside to panda is that is already comes with Python script embedded.
I also like irrlichts' license better.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:29 am
by Mel
Diferences: All those derived by the fact that Irrlicht is just a graphics engine and Panda is a whole 3D game engine. You can't play sounds, send network information, simulate complex physics or read databases with Irrlicht structures or objects. Panda is normally interpreted and Irrlicht is compiled.

Similarities: They put graphics on screen, detect simple collisions and read an input from a range of devices, like mice, keyboards and controllers.

I am trying not to sound sarcastic, but that is pretty much it.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:01 am
by macron12388
Mel wrote:... Panda is normally interpreted. ...
From what I know, the engine itself is precompiled, but any application you want create you can create entirely with Python script, although you still have the option to use c++ code.

P.S. Now I realize why Pirates of the Caribbean was so graphically slow on my computer.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:59 am
by Mel
That is why i say that panda normally runs interpreted, i guess you can compile it into any executable form. If you develop with C++ then, their eficiencies should be similar.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:23 pm
by wahagn
Ok, thanks for all the replies... I have come to the conclusion that panda is not better or less programming but it's a whole game engine.

Could somone who used other game engines before give a suggestion for a nice game engine please? cause I have cheked out the list of game engines on wikipedia but there were a lot of them and I couldn't. I'm seeking for something like this:


- using c++ as programming language

- 3d


- not too advanced ( so a bit more for beginners )

- whole game engine ( so not like irrlicht that i have to intergrate phisx and A.I myself but offcoarse if you have a good one in mind but the only thing is that you have to intergrate those things yourself but it's easy though then that game engine is also an option for me)

* and please another engine as DarkBasic

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:34 pm
by Adler1337
If you want an engine like DarkBasic then why don't you just use DarkBasic? You could also learn programming and use irrlicht :wink:

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:44 pm
by macron12388
Err... you're kind of asking for the whole package, you want power, ease of use (for beginners), and you want it to be flexible. I think you can only pick two according to the cosmic laws :wink:

If you want something for beginners, I suggest using the blender game engine as a starting point.

It has:

ease of use and is flexible, however it is not so powerful when coming to making a commercial/semi-commercial quality game, far from it in fact. However it will introduce you to the basics of game design, it uses python, however since blender is open source I'm sure you can modify it (written in C I believe)

Another option is as mentioned DarkBasic, it has power AND flexibility, however, it is not suitable for COMPLETE beginners to just jump in and expect to have a full game in a few weeks. Maybe a small mini-demo, yes, but I assume you want something to help you make a game as you mentioned in that other thread.

Another option: Unity3d, I am not so familiar with this, so maybe someone else could clarify what unity offers?

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:52 pm
by Kalango
If you're worried about DB's language(basic) you should try the Dark Game Development Kit or stuff like Unity, C4 Engine, Shiva 3d, etc.
I use Irrlicht and Shiva3d for making games and i'm quite happy with both. Irrlicht for personal or custom/creative/learning projects and Shiva for common/commercial/quick stuff projects. Anyways...good luck, again...

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:17 pm
by wahagn
Thanx for all 3 replies, ..

I think Kalongo understands what I'm looking for ( yeah I want something like DarkBasic but am worried about the language because I want to use c++
since I have started too learn this PL and use it for game development)

but what do you mean with dark development kit ( so what can I use of the dark development kit other than DB pro?)

And can you explain what Shiva3d exactly is ? only darg&drop or a modeling software with scrpiting option, because I have been to their website but I didn't uderstand more than that it's a WYSIWYG Game engine ??

And what do you and macron12388 and Adler1337 think of: Untity vs
C4 engine??

Btw : I hope that I'm not getting to off-topic ... :?

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 2:19 am
by Kalango
Shiva 3d is a WYSIWYG environment with features similar to Unity and coding in LUA and C++. (various plataforms)

Unity is a WYSIWYG environment with coding in C#, Javascript and other languages. (various plataforms)

C4 Engine is a full game engine with powerfull features. but i'm afraid its for PC only.

Dark GDK is a C++ game engine by the same ppl who make DBPro.

Leadwerks engine is a new engine and i think its with C++

Either engine you chose you'll have to learn good programming. Also logics understanding and developing self tools and algorithims is mandatory for real game developers.
The only problem with big/commercial engines is the price... other than that.... its a good deal sometimes.
And still, if you want to learn about shaders, AI, physics and serious programming, i say that its better to do it with a good book and a smaller engine (wich tends to be more powerful, since you can improve it yourself).
Good ol' luck

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:01 am
by kh_
They're not perfect but 2 free DX engines you might look into are 3Impact (easy C++,basic Physics,sound,networking)and 3dRad(angel script).

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:13 am
by Luben
[ot begin]
Kalango wrote:... coding in LUA ... ;]
[ot end]

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:17 am
by Kalango
Luben wrote:[ot begin]
Kalango wrote:... coding in LUA ... ;]
[ot end]
What he said.
Despite being difficult to go from C++ to Lua at first, the learning curve is pretty good and some say its the best integration with a C/C++ environment. And with Shiva yo ucan also mix Lua(StoneScript) with C++ plugins or native code.
Btw, you could also use CooperCube from Ambiera.