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Scene with lots of scenenodes - is there a quadtree/octree?

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 2:47 pm
by Gorbstein
Being new to irrlicht I'm not sure if I'm understanding how the scenegraph works, but this is the problem I've run into:

Lets say I have a game with a large world which can have 1000s of entities flying around. Since each one has a mesh and a position I'd have a scenenode for each entitiy.. yes?

In an ideal situation I'd throw these into a Quadtree/Octree and only test/draw those which are potentially visible inside the viewing frustum.

It occurred to me that Irrlicht's scene manager/nodes only does a simple view frustum check against each scenenode. So if there's 1000 entities in the scenegraph, 1000 entities will be checked against the frustum?

I'm assuming this is the case since my game slows down to a crawl when I add lots of non-visible scenenodes.

Is there any way to get Quadtree/Octree behaviour added to the scenegraph?


Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:25 pm
by sudi