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[Solved] Ragdoll backto irrlicht animation system

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:01 am
by wing64
When i ran ragdoll simulation if i enable transition and backto irrlicht animation result is very bad (see video)

Ninja with transition. (bad result when back to irrlicht animation)

but i disable transition result is good.

Ninja without transition. (it's ok)

Question is that problem depend on matrix ? Global matrix use when ragdoll simulate and irrlicht animation use local matrix, is'n it ?
I saw Unity AdvancedRagdoll, How should i do this in irrlicht ? Please suggest me.

Unity AdvancedRagdoll.

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:56 am
by hybrid
Please show the code snippets which you use to switch to ragdoll and back to Irrlicht animation. I'm not that familiar with the animation system.

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:17 pm
by bitplane
I'm not sure either, but I think Luke added the option to use a global matrix when setting the joint positions for this very purpose.

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 3:49 pm
by wing64
@hybrid: This's ragdoll code switch enable/disable. The key is setSkinningSpace() for use global axis from physx or local axis from skinned mesh.

Code: Select all

void physxmgr_ragdoll_set_simulate_enable_single( ragdoll_t* in_rd, bool enable )
	ragdoll_t* rd = in_rd;
	if( !rd || !rd->node )

	rd->simulate = enable;

	if( !rd->simulate )
	        // restore old rotation when back to irrlicht animation
		rd->node->setRotation( rd->rot );
		rd->node->updateAbsolutePosition( );
		rd->node->setJointMode( EJUOR_CONTROL );
		// FIX use zero transition allway when enable ragdoll
		//rd->node->setTransitionTime( 0 );
		rd->node->setJointMode( EJUOR_CONTROL );

	ragdoll_element_t*	re = NULL;
        // ERDF_COUNT = max number of joint in ragdoll
	for( u32 i = 0; i < ERDF_COUNT; ++i )
		re = &rd->elements[i];
		if( re && re->b0 && re->a0 )
			re->b0->setSkinningSpace( rd->simulate?EBSS_GLOBAL:EBSS_LOCAL );

			if( rd->simulate )
				re->a0->clearBodyFlag( NX_BF_KINEMATIC );
				re->a0->raiseBodyFlag( NX_BF_KINEMATIC );
	} // for
@bitplane: I'm not sure i understand about global and local matrix but i think before backto irrlicht animation if i can convert joint position and rotation in global axis to local axis and set backto IBoneSceneNode i think this problem is solve. If i wrong please notice me.
Thanks for reply.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 5:13 am
by wing64