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Check Material Render Capabilitys / Set Fallback Texture

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:04 pm
by Kernle 32DLL
Hi guys,

I'm working on a small game framework for my game. Since the game itself is also targeted on older machines (or laptops, same deal), I have to find some way, to manually disable some graphical features.

This means essentially to check if a certain material can be rendered "as-is", or not. In case it can't, I want to use an EMT_SOLID material with just one texture (I assume every pc can at least render something like that) instead.

I know Irrlicht automatically disables features it can't use, but in my case that means i have to use a different texture (diffuse texture + normal map, vs. a prebuilt texture) as well.

I found two functions, but they didn't quite seem to help my problem the way I thought about it. Maybe I'm just on the wrong track all along?


IVideoDriver.queryFeature ()

But as if this is not complicated enough, I want to implement a basic shader support later. I thing I'll have the same problem mentioned above, but even less possibilities to check if I can use that shader, since I didn't find any remote way to check which features a certain shader might use.

Any toughts?

So long,