SLERP problem

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SLERP problem

Post by random »

can someone please tell me what is wron with ths code?

Code: Select all

    quaternion rotQuat;
    vector3df fromVect = emptyZ->getAbsolutePosition();
    rotQuat.rotationFromTo(fromVect, trackTargetPos);
    vector3df qte;
    vector3df qta;
    vector3df eulerToTarget = vector3df(radToDeg(qte.X), radToDeg(qte.Y), radToDeg(qte.Z));
    vector3df eulerFrom = vector3df(radToDeg(qta.X), radToDeg(qta.Y), radToDeg(qta.Z));
    quaternion resultQuat;
    resultQuat.slerp (eulerFrom, eulerToTarget, 1);
    vector3df qtr;
    vector3df resultVect = vector3df(radToDeg(qtr.X), radToDeg(qtr.Y), radToDeg(qtr.Z));
emptyZ is a childNode in the forward direction from the originQuat,

myQuat is a quaternionen from the Parent of emptyZ which is the one to Rotate, i use this code to get it

Code: Select all

    irr::core::matrix4 myMat = this->getAbsoluteTransformation();
    myQuat = quaternion(myMat);

trackTargetPos is the Absolute Position from the TargetNode

the center is of the rotation is allways 0,0,0 so both absolute positions are also direction vectors.


if i execute this code ONCE the node that is to rotate does rotate ... but to somwhere else as in the direction of the target

if i change the code to be called by a render loop so that only slerp is executed and the rotation calculation to degree is done and also changig the 1 in slerp interpolation argument to a upward counting value from 0 to 1 it rotates slowly to the same direction as like when i execute it ONCE.

if i recalculate myQuat and trackTargetPos to involve translation of the target and current rotation ot the node that rotates i get a wild arround flipping node until the 1 in slerp is reached...

can someone please enlighten my darkness
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