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How can I resize irrlicht window?

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:14 pm
by Netaro
Ok, so here's the problem.
I have Irrlicht window (IrrlichtDevice), and I want to resize that window to given height/width, for example to the size of a picture (ITexture, getOriginalSize() ) . How?
Looked at documentation, but I was unable to find anything that would help me. Neither was I able to find anything on google?

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:22 pm
by agamemnus
Not sure you can do that other than to restart the Irrlicht device.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:57 am
by random
1) you can resize the window with the mouse thatfor you need to insert this into your code

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2) you would like to call onResize() for driver and or device... obtain code here: ... cc3cd.html

or in your Irrlicht src folder :) but i dont think that onResize() would do the job alone, usualy a war is set also which is bind to a os dependend event.

Anyway both options would may change the resolution but not the Aspect ratio of your camera, you would have to that manualy else you image qould be streched.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:17 am
by agamemnus
None of those options actually resize the window programatically...

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:32 am
by CuteAlien
No, you can't do that from Irrlicht currently. But you can use the system API for it (I think MoveWindow on Windows for example). It might be necessary to call driver->OnResize with the new values afterward.

Calling OnResize causes D3D failures, why?

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:46 am
by Rob
If I call OnResize on m Win XP SP3 D3D9 system, it causes D3D9 to list errors, saying "too many textures", or "remove textures", and thats with just 2 textures loaded at the time! It seems calling OnResize cannot be done, anyone know why as some info here would help clarify matters for everyone.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:57 am
by hybrid
This happened for old versions of Irrlicht, due to not released ressources. But it should work now.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:07 pm
by Rob
I´m using Irrlicht 1.7.2., latest version.

Re: How can I resize irrlicht window?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:28 pm
by robmar
I can confirm that calling driver->OnResize( newscreensize ) using D3D is still crashing Irrlicht-
This is the Output that occurs directly on calling this:

Resetting D3D9 device.
First-chance exception at 0x732710f8 in dstest.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xfeeeff76.
Resetting failed due to invalid call: You need to release some more surfaces.
Unhandled exception at 0x76f415ee in medal32.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xfeeeff76.

Works fine under OpenGL though. Does anyone know if there is a fix?

Re: How can I resize irrlicht window?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:03 pm
by robmar
I´ve also tried using setViewPort() to update the irrlicht window to a new size, but the resolution is always the same, just scalled-up and more pixelated, and the only way I seem to be able to reset it is a complete delete and recreate process.

Any ideas would be really helpful...

Re: How can I resize irrlicht window?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:30 pm
by hybrid
Could you please show some minimal code to reproduce this?

Re: How can I resize irrlicht window?

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:23 pm
by robmar
Here´s the code, from code under Windows 7:-

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void Sim::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy)    
        if ( m_b3Drunning )
                core::rect<s32> rvp = m_p3D->m_pDriver->getViewPort();
                const core::dimension2d<u32> screensize = core::dimension2d<u32>( cx, cy );
                core::rect<s32> ss( 0, 0, cx, cy );
                if ( rvp.LowerRightCorner.X != cx || rvp.LowerRightCorner.Y != cy )
                        if ( m_p3D->m_param.DriverType == video::EDT_OPENGL )
                                m_p3D->m_pDriver->OnResize( screensize );       // DO NOT USE OnResize in D3D mode!  Causes 3D engine to crash with D3D errors!!  Works under opengl
                                m_p3D->m_pDriver->setViewPort( ss );            // Doesn´t crash, but doesn´t resize to match new viewport res, causing pixelation
                        core::rect<s32> rect( 0, 0, screensize.Width, screensize.Height );
                        m_p3D->m_pDriver->setViewPort( rect );          // NOTE: This just sets drawing region within window, it does NOT scale the view!
        CScrollView::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);

Re: How can I resize irrlicht window?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:30 pm
by Voxel

here is how I did it. I use D3D and not OpenGL, it doesn't crash and I did't have any pixelation effects. So it works for me...

In the 'OnSize' method within your view just set a mark, e.g a boolean member of your view:

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void MyView::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
    CView::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
    if (m_bWndResized == false)
       m_bWndResized = true;
In your 'OnDraw' method check the flag and set the aspect ratio of your camera before you call 'scene manager'->'drawAll':

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void MyView::OnDraw(CDC* /*pDC*/)
    if (!m_driver || !m_smgr)
    // advance virtual time
    if (m_driver->beginScene(true, true, irr::video::SColor(255,96,96,96), m_driver->getExposedVideoData(), 0) == false)
    if (bWndResized)
        if (m_smgr->getActiveCamera() != 0)
            CRect rWnd;
            GetClientRect(this->GetSafeHwnd(), &rWnd);
            int cx = rWnd.Width();
            int cy = rWnd.Height();
            m_smgr->getActiveCamera()->setAspectRatio((irr::f32)cx / (irr::f32)cy);
        bWndResized = false;
    if (m_driver->endScene() == false)
I hope this could be helpful...


Re: How can I resize irrlicht window?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:59 pm
by robmar
Thanks, looked good, doing the call after beginscene, but for some reason it still doesn´t work.

I checked it in debug, OnSize sets the flag, the 3D loop detects it, calls the exact code you detailed, and nothing happens, it stays pixellated when the view is enlarged.

Appreciate the effort, would like to crack this, works under OpenGl, but not under D3D.

I place this code directly in the OnSize function of the CView, and in OpenGL mode, works perfectly:-
pDriver->OnResize( screensize ); // DO NOT USE with D3D!! Causes 3D engine to crash with D3D errors!! Works under opengl.

In the D3D driver, the crash occurs on the line below marked "here>" because the code "DepthBuffers" produces a NULL ptr.

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//! resets the device
bool CD3D9Driver::reset()
        u32 i;
        os::Printer::log("Resetting D3D9 device.", ELL_INFORMATION);
        for (i=0; i<Textures.size(); ++i)
                if (Textures[i].Surface->isRenderTarget())
                        IDirect3DBaseTexture9* tex = ((CD3D9Texture*)(Textures[i].Surface))->getDX9Texture();
                        if (tex)
        for (i=0; i<DepthBuffers.size(); ++i)
here>           if(DepthBuffers[i]->Surface)
Visual Studio 2008 is compiling under debug the following code, and from the asm code, it seems to be using the index, i, as a direct reference to memory, which, as this value starts at 0, directly address memory at 0000, would be an illegal address. Could it be a compliler bug? I´ve seen this before and just moving the code around a bit, even adding a jump label, can fix it.

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013DA898  mov         edx,dword ptr [i] 
013DA89B  push        edx  
013DA89C  mov         ecx,dword ptr [this] 
013DA89F  add         ecx,704h 
013DA8A5  call        irr::core::array<irr::video::SDepthSurface *,irr::core::irrAllocator<irr::video::SDepthSurface *> >::operator[] (1217239h) 

Re: How can I resize irrlicht window?

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:34 pm
by robmar
Okay, its working at last. It seems that under D3D mode, to resize the Irrlicht window it is necessary to call driver->OnResize(), which resets the device in the D3D driver.

However, if this is called after beginScene, it is necessary to perform an endscene-beginscene cycle, then reload all textures, which is also necessary as the reset deletes all the texture (under D3D).

For Windows, Voxels implementation of flaging the condition in CWnd::OnSize is used, calling the following code.

If there are any better ways of doing this, please let me know!

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// First, before updating, check if view needs resizing, as if it is, we´ll need to reload textures
        if ( m_bWndResized )
                scene::ICameraSceneNode* pC = m_pSmgr->getActiveCamera();       
                if ( pC )
                        CRect rectWnd;
                        GetClientRect( m_pView->GetSafeHwnd(), &rectWnd );
                        int cx = rectWnd.Width();
                        int cy = rectWnd.Height();
                        core::rect<s32> rvp = m_pDriver->getViewPort();
                        if ( rvp.LowerRightCorner.X != cx || rvp.LowerRightCorner.Y != cy )
                                const core::dimension2d<u32> screensize = core::dimension2d<u32>( cx, cy );
                                core::rect<s32> rect( 0, 0, cx, cy );
                                m_pDriver->setViewPort( rect );         // NOTE: This just sets drawing region within window, it does NOT scale the view!
                                m_pDriver->OnResize( screensize );              // If this crashes in the Irrlich D3D driver, modify driver to catch error conditions
                                dwFlags |= 0x01;                // Force reload of textures in UpdateObjects() below
                                // Set camera aspect ratio
                                irr::f32 fAspect = (float)cx/(float)cy;
                                if ( fAspect >= 0.f )
                                        pC->setAspectRatio( fAspect );
                                        ASSERT( FALSE );
                                // These two calls are needed in D3D mode otherwise the textures go black, even though reloaded! Under OpenGL, not needed, but cause not errors
                                m_pDriver->beginScene( false, false, m_sc );
                        m_bWndResized = false;