Code: Select all
bool Compute(IBoneSceneNode* boneNode, IBoneSceneNode* rootBoneNode, vector3df target)
vector3df rootPos, curEnd, targetVector, desiredEnd, curVector, crossResult, endPos = target;
double cosAngle,turnAngle;
IBoneSceneNode* link;
IBoneSceneNode* end;
// start at the last link in the chain
end = boneNode;
link = (IBoneSceneNode*)end->getParent();
int tries = 0;
double norm = 2;
int maxTries = 1000;
double error = 0.1;
double maxAngleChange = PI / 12;
while (++tries < maxTries && norm > 0.1)
rootPos = link->getAbsolutePosition();
curEnd = end->getAbsolutePosition();
desiredEnd = endPos;
norm = curEnd.getDistanceFromSQ(desiredEnd);
//std::cout << norm << std::endl;
// see if i'm already close enough
if (norm > error)
// create the vector to the current effector pos
curVector = curEnd - rootPos;
// create the desired effector position vector
targetVector = endPos - rootPos;
// normalize the vectors (expensive, requires a sqrt)
// the dot product gives me the cosine of the desired angle
cosAngle = curVector.dotProduct(targetVector);
// if the dot product returns 1.0, i don't need to rotate as it is 0 degrees
if (cosAngle < 0.9999999)
// use the cross product to check which way to rotate
crossResult = curVector.crossProduct(targetVector);
turnAngle = acos(cosAngle); // get the angle
if(turnAngle < maxAngleChange)
turnAngle = maxAngleChange;
quaternion rotation;
rotation = rotation.fromAngleAxis(turnAngle, crossResult);
vector3df euRotation;
link->setRotation(link->getRotation()+vector3df(euRotation.Z, euRotation.X, euRotation.Y));
//TODO: check DOF restrictions for link joint here.
if (link == rootBoneNode)
link = (IBoneSceneNode*)end->getParent(); // start of the chain, restart
link = (IBoneSceneNode*)link->getParent();
if (tries == maxTries)
return false;
return true;