[SOLVED] Multiple scenemanagers

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[SOLVED] Multiple scenemanagers

Post by KP84 »

Why using multiple scenemanagers?

Does this make any sense?

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  if( cam & LOC_INSIDE )
     if( cam & LOC_PRECISELOCATION1 )
       sceneInsideB1->drawAll() else
     if( cam & LOC_PRECISELOCATION2 )
    } else
  sceneCharacters->drawAll() // or drawSome(todo)
  sceneCars->drawAll() // idem
Last edited by KP84 on Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Brainsaw »

I use multiple scene managers in my Stunt Marble Racers game to display different scenes at the same time, e.g. I have a background scene with my "company" logo rotating and a preview of the selected racetrack.

But I got no idea what you're trying to do with your snippet.
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Post by Mel »

I on the other hand, use just a single scene manager to render everything. Either approach is fine.
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Post by KP84 »

Brainsaw wrote:But I got no idea what you're trying to do with your snippet.
If you have an entire world you that would mean a lot of polies. So you have to cut some details due to fps. However I don't want to loose too much detail. In order to achieve that I think to create two worlds, one normal high poly and one low poly. Because if you are inside you have no use for most of the high-poly world (about 99%) and vise versa. This gives the advantage of having more detail (bottle, clothes on tables, candles etc.) inside instead of the trade-off with 2d images wich will be used when player is outside. So I believe at this point.

The scenes will remain in memory but will not rendered and frustum/octree/distance or whatever check is not needed. Don't know yet if this will work but I am about to try out :) or how exactly to implement it (loading/unloaded meshes)

Also I have started (since today) to use physics and creating my own wrapper (one line of code already done 8) ) and I really have no clue on how to create the wrapper yet. As Bullet uses some sort of scenemanager too, i am wondering how to combine things.

So it's not needed, at least not always. One insecurity less.

Thanks both for the insights.


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