Is there a way to draw 3D text? Not 2D text in 3D space, 3D text.
I hope there is a function like that because I don't want to make 3D models of all letters in the alphabet...
3D Text
- Posts: 1215
- Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2007 7:03 pm
- Location: Leuven, Belgium
As far as I know, no you can't do that natively with irrlicht, but I'm sure you could find a usable 3D alphabet online somewhere, and if not, creating 3D letters shouldn't be too hard (just somewhat time consuming)
It should be possible to automate the process of creating 3D models of letters though
It should be possible to automate the process of creating 3D models of letters though
Hello, thank you for your reply. I think I might use the function D3DXCreateText that creates 3D text.Radikalizm wrote:As far as I know, no you can't do that natively with irrlicht, but I'm sure you could find a usable 3D alphabet online somewhere, and if not, creating 3D letters shouldn't be too hard (just somewhat time consuming)
It should be possible to automate the process of creating 3D models of letters though
But it requires the Direct3D Device. Do you know how can I get it?
- Posts: 1215
- Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2007 7:03 pm
- Location: Leuven, Belgium
IVideoDriver::getExposedVideoData() will give you a pointer to the native D3D device ... 745e50cc49 ... 745e50cc49
I used the tutorial on this page:
And that's my code, after I have set everything up + the device to direct3D9. ... article=20
However it's not working. The return value of D3DXCreateText is D3DERR_INVALIDCALL. I have tested all other things if they are null, like hdc, d3d device etc.
And that's my code, after I have set everything up + the device to direct3D9. ... article=20
Code: Select all
// ... more code unnecessary
HDC hdc;
HFONT win32font;
win32font=CreateFont(10, //Height
0, //Width
0, //Escapement
0, //Orientation
FW_NORMAL, //Weight
false, //Italic
false, //Underline
false, //Strikeout
OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, //Output Precision
CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, //Clipping Precision
SelectObject(hdc, win32font);
ID3DXMesh *mesh_ = NULL;
HWND activeWindow = GetActiveWindow();
HDC p_dc = GetDC(activeWindow);
LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 g_d3d_device = driver->getExposedVideoData().D3D9.D3DDev9;
HRESULT hr=D3DXCreateText(g_d3d_device, //Device
p_dc, //GDI Device Context
L"Hello World", //Text
0.001f, //Maximum chordal deviation from true font outlines
0.4f, //Extrusion depth (along -Z axis)
&mesh_, //Mesh
NULL, //Adjacency information
NULL); //GlyphMetrics