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Can't make a new topic

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:59 pm
by cooky451

I'm from Germany so if anyone feels like answer in german -> great! (My english is not that good..)
I'm not able to start a new Topic at "beginners help". I have absolutely no idea why. When I click on the "new topic" button the forum directs me directly back to the main site. :?::?::?:

My problem:
How can I add collision detection + gravity to a model/mesh, like I can do this for the camera (tutorial 07)? Simple code would be great!

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:20 pm
by shadowslair
The code is already in the 07 example:

Level collision:

Code: Select all

selector = smgr->createOctreeTriangleSelector(
				q3node->getMesh(), q3node, 128);
Player Collision:

Code: Select all

scene::ISceneNodeAnimator* anim = smgr->createCollisionResponseAnimator(
			selector, ###CAMERA###, core::vector3df(30,50,30),
			core::vector3df(0,-10,0), core::vector3df(0,30,0));
		selector->drop(); // As soon as we're done with the selector, drop it.
Simply create an I(Animated)MeshSceneNode and replace the ###CAMERA### with its pointer. Just refer to the documentation if you have some doubts what are all these parameters used for.

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:14 pm
by cooky451
Thanks for helping me, but it still doesn't want to work. I want a collision detection between two Models (Model & Level).

Code: Select all

IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* node = smgr->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(smgr->getMesh("ninja.b3d"),
                                                0, IDFlag_IsPickable | IDFlag_IsHighlightable);
  node->setScale(core::vector3df(10, 10, 10));
  node->getMaterial(0).NormalizeNormals = true;

  scene::ITriangleSelector *sel = smgr->createTriangleSelector(node);
  scene::ISceneNodeAnimator* anim = smgr->createCollisionResponseAnimator(
			selector, node, core::vector3df(30,50,30),
			core::vector3df(0,-10,0), core::vector3df(0,30,0));
While "selector" was created like in the tutorial:

Code: Select all

selector = smgr->createOctreeTriangleSelector(
				q3node->getMesh(), q3node, 128);

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:14 pm
by CuteAlien
No idea why new topic doesn't work for you. Maybe it was some temporary problem. Anyway - I'll just move this one to beginner.

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:40 pm
by cooky451
CuteAlien wrote:Maybe it was some temporary problem.
It's still the same. The "new topic" button links me to ... wtopic&f=1
and this link redirects me to

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:06 pm
by CuteAlien
Sorry, really no idea right now. That links allows me typing a topic (and I'm also sitting in germany).

Anyone else got an idea?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:19 pm
by omg_fail
An internal server error I think.
Like you said its just temporary.

Warte einfach ein paar tage dann solltes wiedergehen wenn nicht schau mal auf deinen Internet acces

About the collision :
Benutzt du nur das model oder lädst du eine irr scene ?
Weil grafity ohne boden wäre keine gute idee :)

Und noch was :
Wenn du möchtest dass zwei z.B. ninjas nicht ineinander laufen solltest du zu einem physik engine greifen

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:24 pm
by omg_fail
Wegen dem new topic :
Welchen browser verwendest du und welche version ? Könnet daran liegen.

Am i actually allowed to write in german


Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:37 pm
by ent1ty
No, you are only allowed to write: English, Dutch, Czech and Slovak :!:

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:38 pm
by cooky451
I'm using Firefox 4 (5?) with Windows 7, this shouldn't be the problem ;)

I made a "ground", which actually is my level. Collision detection + gravity works fine with the camera, but it doesn't want to work for the ninja. (He hangs around at ~1m over the ground :roll: )

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:47 pm
by shadowslair
He hangs around at ~1m over the ground
As I already said try playing a bit with the collision ellipsoid parameters:

Code: Select all

scene::ISceneNodeAnimator* anim = smgr->createCollisionResponseAnimator(
         selector, node, 

core::vector3df(30,50,30), //<<<<<<<<<<<<< imagine a box with width of 30 and height of 50. The third parameter is the same as the first


core::vector3df(0,30,0)); //<<<<<<<<<<<<< on Y axis- start with 0 and increase/decrease 

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:56 pm
by cooky451
OMG! Thanks!
I thought the hole time that I was creating him at this point and that the gravity wouln't have any effect on him. :oops:

Creating with (1,1,1) and (0,0,0) works fine.

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:31 pm
by hybrid
Remove all your cookies etc. and re-login. This should help with such problems.

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:51 pm
by cooky451
hybrid wrote:Remove all your cookies etc. and re-login. This should help with such problems.
Works fine, thanks.