GP2X Win32 SDK
Grz's GP2xF-100/F200 port I'm currently using ... icht-port/
Irrlicht 1.4 Hello World Demo running in software rendering mode on the Game Park Holdings Caanoo
Update 04 July 2011
Hello all I decided to upload the my irlicht1.4 caanoo project file along with irrlicht Hello world example binary files, I'm still having some problem with the Wiz version. Maybe someone with any of these consoles and better knowledge of porting, may be able to get a performance boost on the consoles and get it to run on the latest version of irrlicht or even better get OpenGLES running before I do. Thank you guys and gals, and good-luck to anyone who is taking on this challenge. I will continue to work on this and post any updates here.
irrlicht Hello world demo build for the caanoo
Irrlicht_1.4 codebloacks project for the caanoo
Update 05 July 2011
Finally Got irrlicht running on the GP2X wiz. performance is the same as the caanoo 11-20 FPS on irrlicht software rendering. Now on to OPENGLES integration.
irrlicht Hello world demo build for the WIZ
Irrlicht 1.4 Hello World Demo running in software rendering mode on the Game Park Holdings Wiz