Don't insult others - Play nice

If you are a new Irrlicht Engine user, and have a newbie-question, this is the forum for you. You may also post general programming questions here.
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Don't insult others - Play nice

Post by saigumi »

I've noticed an increase in harassing posts, and they need to stop.

If you don't want to read new user posts, don't read this forum. Expect every post in this forum to be a repeat.
If you read something that has been asked before, just say "Try searching", don't say "You stupid newbie, try looking right here. Geez you guys are losers." At least they posted the question in the right area.
Last edited by saigumi on Sun Nov 14, 2004 7:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bal »

You're right. I noticed Midnight flaming frequently (n/o dude, but Irrlicht is known for it's noob-friendliness).
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Post by afecelis »

Yup, Bal is right. It's what hooked me up with Irrlicht, everyone was very friendly and patient with my newbieness, and they still are when I ask any nonsense.

If people feel uncomfortable or think that what is being posted is useless then simply don't reply and discharge your rage and anger by whipping your own back in the darkest and loneliest room of your house; as simple as that. hehehehehe
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Post by Tyn »

bal wrote:You're right. I noticed Midnight flaming frequently (n/o dude, but Irrlicht is known for it's noob-friendliness).
Ironic that you are having a go at him then? Heh, doesn't matter it's just I think by singling him out you give credit to some people who may have said worse, maybe even myself at times.

I think everyone gets a little annoyed sometimes, I doubt you'll stop people letting out a bit of frustration but you can stop rising to it or making needless comments that make it worse. Again, I'm not excusing myself from that either :)
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Post by bal »

I'm not blaiming Midnight only. He/she (?) was just the first name that came up in my mind and posted that sort of stuff recently. Maybe he was in a bad mood because there were +-3 angry (rather sarcastic :wink:) posts from him around the same time of the day. Sorry for mentioning the name.

Maybe we should create a really usefull sticky thread with all the basic questions like: what is Irrlicht (graphics engine, no game engine), why input isn't working, third person camera, link errors, attach nodes to camera (weapon), ... I could make it if it's needed.
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Post by Guest »

yeah that would be cool, because then i wouldnt have to "insult others" anymore (hey, i always try to be friendly, but sometimes when people ask the same question over and over again ... man you cannot say that this is good! one topic is enough!!) :) so some sort of faq page with all these questions would really help
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Post by afecelis »

Unfortunately, when you're a newbie you don't know how to use the search function at all. Perhaps a "read this before posting" poll with instructions and the FAQs mentioned above would be cool. Also a brief explanation on how to perform a a search in the forums for a specific topic would help.

I myself got the culture of doing it only some months ago, after digging and re-digging the forums for an answer. But I definitely think we ought to be more patient with repeated-newbie questions. Instead of a RTFM answer, let's say: please read instructions and FAQs in this link.....

peace bro's peace :D :D

Post by ManakelNotLogged »

Just two more cents. Search is not always the solution since

1) for true beginners, they don't have the exact words for what they search
=> so most of the time they search for hours before getting any results.

2) for people behind company firewalls, like me, if a search result contains
any words related to "Game,Weapons,Sex..." it won't be displayed , which
is quiet annoying in irrlicht forum...

It's true that irrlicht community was very friendly with beginner when
i discovered it (in may i think).
Last few days it seems that it was less welcoming but i'm sure it won't last.
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Post by vermeer »

if you want a trick that I use to not get on my nerves, I probably reply to a 0,001 % of the questions I see....

because : a) someone will answer, someone that hasn't replied 1000 times to that, and so, he wont mind, b) I reserve myself to answer questions (allways in art) that I think no other in a forum may know, as that one would be left non solved. When is just that someone does not know something, someone else will be in the mood to answer. When a whole comunity does not know the answer, man, that's worse, no one will be able to answer.

I often leave unanswered very basic questions...some time ago i felt bad for this...Now I don't, as...why one guy deserves more help than other? I'm into many forums, and only post a very few posts in each... if I'd answer any little question, I'd have no time.

This has two results: I reply better those I decide to reply, and also, I have no probs with ppl putting 3 or 4 times same question ;)

Is the only practial way I myself haev found. Lately only reply some stuff that I see most people wont know, is new stuff, or...randomly some of the easy well known questions, but that, more rarely.

I'm way more patient(as I say, i don't loose patient, if I see someone has not taking the effort to make a search, I don't answer.So, I don't get any anger ;) ) with coders, as I can only imagine me trying to program (indeed, I tried that ;) )
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Post by vermeer »

to sum it alll...

I never understand that of getting upset for a question...

Just leave it there...if the newbie see 0 replies, he'll certainly feel sad or look for another engine, but hopefully in some cases will investigate by himself a bit more and elaborate better the question. But in fact, I see no probs if they don't make a search at all. As an irrlicht user, if you want answer the question, and if don't feel in the mood, just browse advanced help, or open discussion...after all, these forums are quite well categorized... :)

And...finally, I don't see it's good to have an apart art forum...I think with a game engine (I have worked in a game company, I know what I refer to) often there's no so much different and code are so integrate and dependant that is better that newbs have a forum -beguiners- to ask all their doubts. Sometimes a problems is 50% art, 50% code problem.

Very important thing too : some of the newbies aren't C++ newbies or programming newbies. Other could be kickass could end up producing great things with Irrlicht :)
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Post by Dogs »

I disagree with your post GFXstyLER

There are many post that are simalar as others ive spent hours reading over in this forum but, there is a bit difference in my questions then others peoples questions..
And I know that everyone is different and that no two people are the same and with that said the questions will always be a bit different from person to person..

In fact I was thrilled over the fact that many here were so helpfull..
But then I had a post about irrlicht not loading the models I was useing and many here took the post wrong..
Now I suffer by making that mistake as very few even read less respond to my questions..
Im sorry I will say it a hundred times Im a crappy programmer and somethings just need to be exsplained in diff terms for each different person..
General questions could be made into some more tutorials to help out new people I think yes..
But there are just some topics that will always tend to get mixed post from..

I just hope that in time the bad feelings that some may have gotten from me will blow in the wind and that all of us can just get along and enjoy this free software that we have been given to use freely at will for anything we wish...

I think this engine will only grow better with not just what niko creates for this engine but what US the people that use the engine create for this engine...
I belive this project has a lot of potential but if people take it upon themselfs to not post help for others when in need then this engine will just slowly lose ground and interest of the main public and the public is what keeps this engine growing in the first place..

Just my poorly spelled two cents worth.. :)

Post by Aloha »

Bottom line is this guys,
If you don't feel like answering it contstructively, move on.
If you care enough to post an answer, make it helpful.

just deal with it

Post by Guest »

If you are an expert, then you joined this forum to talk and help people, if you don't want to help them, then don't. What the point in posting insults to newbs when you went into the forum to help. Just give them a link to the proper thread.

Post by Testur »

Reminds me of an old saying:There are no stupid questions, just stupid answers. :)
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Post by Tyn »

Well, it seems a very one way arguement. So, I'll stick my oar in and make the counter point: If everyone is asking the same question every day then what happens to that one guy who is making an absolutely amazing project but is stuck with this exotic bug? It's lost in the chaff. So whereas it is fair to say that you shouldn't just flame people all the time it is also right that this isn't a license to think screw the search feature, someone will link me up. That is just lazyness. There are discrete ways of saying that though and it doesn't involve insulting anyone.

I think a balance needs to be met of not insulting anyone but politely reminding them that a question has been asked multiple times and that they may find the search feature will help them find it in the future, then give a link. That way you have at least helped and may help the guy to find some of the more frequently asked questions.
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