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Star Sonata 2 Beta Testing Announced

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 4:10 am
by JeffL
We are pleased to announce that Beta testing of Star Sonata 2 will start Saturday, September 10, 2011.

Announcement video and trailer here:

Star Sonata 2 is a massive upgrade to Star Sonata, the ultimate hybrid MMO of action based space combat, RPG depth and progression, and sprawling empire creation.

Star Sonata 2 improves upon the original with gorgeous 3d graphics, a greatly improved UI, RTS-like controls for your slaves, drones, and bases, invasions from inter-dimensional aliens that the players must band together to fight, expanded tech levels, and an amazing new musical score.

Sign up for beta testing now at We will start releasing Beta keys on September 10.

The front end client is made using Irrlicht and the sound with Irrklang. The server is based on the original game, Star Sonata.

Click the following thumbnails for the full screen shots:




Re: Star Sonata 2 Beta Testing Announced

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:59 am
by Radikalizm
This looks sweet! Great job!

I'll be following this one, you rarely see such polished irrlicht games

Re: Star Sonata 2 Beta Testing Announced

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:58 pm
by Lonesome Ducky
Who's the genius that named their ship "Brave Sir Robin"?

On a serious note, you have a very solid community and an even more solid game. You should be very proud of what you've made

Re: Star Sonata 2 Beta Testing Announced

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:52 pm
by polylux
As you've moved over to a cross-platform graphics engine, can we expect a Linux client?

Re: Star Sonata 2 Beta Testing Announced

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:12 pm
by JeffL
Maybe. I know there are several people, including one of the developers that really want a Linux version. I'm honestly a little bit concerned that the increased support and QA burden might overwhelm the benefit. But for now, we're launching with just PC. I think if the numbers are strong and we can afford to put resources towards Linux, then we "definitely might" at some point.

Re: Star Sonata 2 Beta Testing Announced

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 3:08 am
by tree8125
star sonata 2 is a complete joke that jeffl said they had been working on for years and for years and years of work they sure didn't change much and it's laggier than the first one an overall waste of 10 bucks a month c2 as it become known as was rushed and surely didn't take years and years of work well i suppose if it was hours & hours a day and the coding was done by a monkey it could have taken years knowing jeff thats probably what happened c1 is still better than c2 and the overall gameplay isnt too bad if u don't know anything about the original game but seeing as i do i've seen better stuff submitted by other players on the forums the controls r somewhat better so props to u there and i like the new friends list feature, and that's it other than that it sucks

Re: Star Sonata 2 Beta Testing Announced

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 10:39 am
by Radikalizm
tree8125 wrote:star sonata 2 is a complete joke that jeffl said they had been working on for years and for years and years of work they sure didn't change much and it's laggier than the first one an overall waste of 10 bucks a month c2 as it become known as was rushed and surely didn't take years and years of work well i suppose if it was hours & hours a day and the coding was done by a monkey it could have taken years knowing jeff thats probably what happened c1 is still better than c2 and the overall gameplay isnt too bad if u don't know anything about the original game but seeing as i do i've seen better stuff submitted by other players on the forums the controls r somewhat better so props to u there and i like the new friends list feature, and that's it other than that it sucks
So, hang on, you registered on this forum with the sole purpose to post a completely incoherent rant about how you hate this game? How old are you?

Re: Star Sonata 2 Beta Testing Announced

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 4:19 am
by Cube_
I'd assume 12.
second this project looks really nice.