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Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:34 am
by curtis
I tried tstudio3d's tdesigner3d, I tried GTKRadiant, I tried all of it, they all do not work... I just need a freaking world editing program that has a quake 3 bsp compiler, and a freaking way to open textures WITHOUT HAVING Quake...

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 4:06 am
by afecelis
you mean to work with Irrlicht? Cause Irrlicht is not only bound to quake3 bsp maps. You can load any other 3d format as your level, so if for instance you're good with 3dsmax simply create your level in it and export it as a .3ds which Irrlicht recognizes.

Q3 bsps are used mainly cause they got the lightmap info already baked onto the textures, but with a little of effort you can find alternative lightmappers and load practically any other 3d format with lightmap info into Irlicht. A very good alternative is Zdimitor's .my3d format which exports models created in 3dsmax5 with the lightmap infor into the same file, check this thread: ... php?t=4417

loader for irrlicht included, and also a sample map with code.

When I first started with Irrlicht I used Q3 bsps, but little by little I switched to LordTranco's lightmapper using Jox's loader, and lately to Zdimitor's my3d format since it allows me to export everything straight form max. My latest level is created with his tools, check here: ... php?t=4315

so, I ask you again, you need an editor for Irrlicht?

hope the info helps.

another good editor, Deled:


Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:57 am
by curtis
ive got milkshape, but there is no light for that...

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 11:56 am
by afecelis
If you still need lightmaps then you can model in Milkshape, apply textures, export to 3ds and then import your level in a lightmapping software like Gilles:

or lightmap maker:

then you'd have to find a way to load your model with textures plus the lightmapping info.

Or as I told you, use Lordtranco's Pulsar lightmap tools which works with 3ds files and use Gmax (free) for placing the lights. Info on the tools here: (how to included):
info on using Jox's loader here: ... hp?p=19060

or finally you can just load your model "as it is" and use Irrlicht's dynamic lights. The only con is that it's too hardware demmanding.



Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 9:27 am
by curtis
I downloaded gmax, and the thing, but the file formats are different, I can't import my level into gmax after I imported in LMTools, because gmax doesn't offer that import option. But How would i use Gmax, I could just do my level in Gmax with lightmaps and all right... But is there anyway to just export it from gmax as a bsp or 3ds

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 11:19 am
by hansmbakker
is there a way to load half-life (counterstrike) bsp maps? What are the differences between them?

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 12:42 pm
by vermeer
giles actual homepage is this... ;)

gmax can't render lightmaps, I think.

It only exports -easily and legally- to md3, limited to 8192, and producing geometry cuts wherever tehre's a shared UV (often)

people onlyuse then a as a btter architecture modeller than the usual frebie, and convert md3 part into x filles to weld it all in some freebie suporting x...
For that, I'd go for Blender , though no lightmaps yet...

Anyway, nobody seems to be aware you could render to texture, baking it all into uv chanel 1...Anyway,is a complex workflow...

Apart from this, keep an eye of Etcaptor's editor...not for lightmaps but for organzing the scene and many other stuff, direct for irrlicht...
A home made editor for the engine use to be great.

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 3:07 pm
by afecelis
ooops!! sorry for the link Vermeer, but I used to use DBpro, so that's the link I had!!!! :oops: :oops: :oops: que penaza compadre!!! :D

About Gmax. You only use Gmax to import your 3ds files (Gmax 1.2 comes with a built in 3ds importer so no need for weird scripts or buggy importers) and place the lights. You have to run the scr script to generate the lighting info, so all you do in Gmax is: import 3ds file, place some lights, run script, and that's it.

then with the Lmts tools, you retake your original 3ds file and read the scr script generated by gmax. Once you got your lmts file, use Jox's loader.

There's a quick and dirty guide on how to do it. Try reading it for further details.


Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 4:51 pm
by vermeer
hehe perdona , tio...

The importers for gmax...have been much improved...i imported md3 animated files with no problems...what i think is no also there's a native OBJ import, I'd advice over *.3ds .*.3ds has the 8 letter material name limit, 65k tris limit, and worst, shared uv vertices are broken , producing seams (just like md2, and md3...)

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 5:10 pm
by afecelis
But then we got the Lmts tools problem that only works with 3ds files.

we'd have to think the of Tranco's mod version of Fsrad and do the obj2ent, obj2ant, obj2blah thingie to finally do the oct2lmts. That way you could use an obj file instead of a 3ds. The only problem is handling the light parameters (ilumination) in the mat file (obj2mat). I couldn't get it to work. All I got was a black scene.

Vamos, que me espera un buen jamon serrano!

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 9:17 pm
by BongoMan
I have also been looking around for level editing tools for a while.. I desided that the best option is Gamespace light. The interface takes some getting used too, but its a helluva lot easier than blender.

There does not seem to be any radiant or hammer like editors out there that doesnt tie in with a specific game in an annoying way. Which is sad, because you can work alot faster with a tool like that.

So, Im going to use gamespace for geometry and texturing and write my own tool for placing lights and entities, and hook in some kind of lightmapping maybe.

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 9:24 pm
by vermeer'r limited to 5,000 tris , then, which is too little for level design...

and 500 tris per character, I think.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 5:43 pm
by dg3z
Huh... why donĀ“t you guys try Worldcraft?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 12:11 am
by afecelis
why don't you guys try my tuts?

:D :D

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 7:17 am
by vermeer
worldcraft and hammer are limited to Halflife 1 editing, legally...not very sure if finally it includes half life 1 mods, but that as much. Even if it's free projects.

Gtk radiant and qe radiant can be used fo rany free project, but cristally clear said in their site at least for loong time, are not allowed for comercial projects... Yet though, seems a good way to go for free projects...

only way to go comercial with bsp is using Getic3d(editor+bsp compiler in one(probably a non q3 standard one)) or Quark (suable for ANY comercial project) , and...the yet unfinished -but maybe usable?- bsp q3 compiler at source forge...check the tools sticky thread, click on my sig, I put it there for easy access. Also is in Bal's sig, and of course, in faq&tools section.

yet, though I'd RATHER prefer doing what AF says....Gmax is thillions times more advanced than any bsp oldie editor....

AF way is not allowed for comercial, but who knows if he'll solve one day the sourceforge bsp compiler in his workflow ;) ;) ;)