Irrlicht3d HelloWord example not compiling, VC 2008 64bit

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Irrlicht3d HelloWord example not compiling, VC 2008 64bit

Post by Soule »

Hi all,

I just recently downloaded the Irrlicht3D engine. I unzipped it then i set it up in Visual C++ 2008.
I copied over the HelloWorld example and then tried to run it, (after setting up the VC++ directories) but it fails to run;


here is a picture of all of my VC++ directories:

Is it possible that this is happening because I'm on 64-bit windows 7? I thought that 32 bit should execute on both architectures.

I found a Win-64/VisualStudio but all it says is a text file that reads
"Sorry, I cannot provide procompiled binaries for Win64.
Please goto the \source directory, unzip the file
and compile them yourself, it will cost you about 3 minutes. :)"

I don't know how to compile them, I only know the basics of C++ programming.

Could anyone please help?

Thanks a huge lot!

-Soule :)
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Re: Irrlicht3d HelloWord example not compiling, VC 2008 64bi

Post by thoma91 »

It clearly says, that it couldn't find the sydney.md2 file at the media folder.
Check your folders to be in right place or change the destination in the source code.
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Re: Irrlicht3d HelloWord example not compiling, VC 2008 64bi

Post by Soule »

Oh wow!

I tried doing that before; I was going into the directory where the IRRLICHT SOURCE was and i tried testing from there;

I forgot that the project was in a totally different folder;

Sorry to waste your time....

On a side note, does it make a big difference if I compile in 64-bit?

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Re: Irrlicht3d HelloWord example not compiling, VC 2008 64bi

Post by Grumpy »

I compiled and ran with both 32 and 64 bit and I didnt notice any difference. However for S&G I have been keeping it 64.
code happens
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