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Something I've found useful - Wikidpad

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 8:54 pm
by Klunk
the last company I worked for had a very good company wiki, very useful for making notes on techniques, ideas, todo lists, prototypes, screen grabs, critiques, comments, How to's. Well fast forward to now and now what i'm working on is getting more complicated and i've stuff all over the place I decided to look for something similar (but free) came across this....

not as good as my old company wiki but is proving very useful in colating my project design, workflow, notes and documentation in single point of access. You can have the front end screens as seperate pages that link together as they would in game(though the tree go well funky when loop back to previous pages).

Re: Something I've found useful

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:52 am
by REDDemon
Very nice. So this will works as a SVN program but instead of submitting source code team member can submit ideas and stay updated on other member thoughts right?

Re: Something I've found useful - Wikidpad

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:43 pm
by Klunk
unfortunately it's not a network based wiki, more a stand alone local thing. Though i tried sharing it over a network, text worked but not images and links