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Blender 2.35 released!

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 12:54 pm
by vermeer
Jox, does this need your x exporter be updated?

I specially like the idea of a global UNDO...anyway, wont reinstall until I see jox exporter works with this version...

But also new -they were in latest builds, of course- are the face, edge selection modes...well, what u allways had in wings and max.. ;)

the outliner (the list of scene elements, easier to select an handle, like in Wings. )

Here's what should be a very good way to learn Blender : (besides the doc, which is essential ... 397.0.html

Videos for learning. probably the best way :)

I'm downloading the uv mapping one...

download the 2.35

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 1:38 pm
by vermeer
the LSCW uv mapping Blender tutorial is EXTREMELY good. And I must say, the uv technique in this latest Blender versions, is really good.

I strongly recommend downloading those ~40 megs, and watch it carefully. Is very easy to understand.

It'll provide you a very powerful way to uv map.Of course, you needda learn blender yet. ;) There are loads of video tuts there, I didn't kno. I learnt Blender the hard way, but is thousands times easier.

It does not make blender smaller or less complex; it makes it possible for you to learn it way easier :)

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 11:26 am
by dingo
Global undo? OMG now I might just go and use it now.

It used to suck not having a global undo

Thanks for the heads up

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 1:23 am
by Electron
man, not having an undo in most modes really bugged me. If that's now available, this is awesome :D

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 5:08 am
by dingo
I previously went throught the documentation available for 2,25 (or something) coming from a Max / Maya history it was novel but appeared a bit "clunky" to navigate around.

Now with 2.35 and the Video tutorials it all makes so much more sense!

I really think Blender is a Max/Maya killer that newbies can use just as easily now as Max/Maya. (Never used Lightwave so I don't know about it).

The video tutorials really make learning it so much easier (as they usually do :) And there is now one more seed for the torrents ;)

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 1:31 pm
by vermeer
"I really think Blender is a Max/Maya killer "

I doubt it deeply, hehe.

Blender is extremely good for indies, but that's it. :)

I yet to see something that kills Max 7 in power, hehe. Specially in videogame production. And in cinema films, Maya, XSI, Mirai, film industry made tools. that's all.

Even my XSI foundation "kills" Blender (for example in character animation)

Other than that, as a general tool, there's nothing equal as free. Yet I think Wings is better modeller(strictly that), but that's my opinion ;)

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 1:47 pm
by dingo
I'm not so sure Max/Maya/Others have such a huge edge anymore.

I've been playing with Blender all today and it is kicking some serious ass!

Some features are better than others. Just look at the LMSC uv mapping - Unless Max has similar in 7 (I'm only up to 6) I think Blender's uv unwrap equivalent is much better to use.

Ok, at the moment Blender still needs some work to killer Max et al. But some of the features put in it in the last few versions mean it is really quickly making up ground.

With standard items like Global undo, The "knife" vertex separator and a few others that were lacking but aren't now, Blender is going to pick up a lot of new users and new users to Open Source means oxygen to the fire!

I really can see all my future indie projects using Blender exclusively.

Here is my first project in Blender. The texturing workflow IMO is so much better than Max and Maya.

I can't believe stuff like the spacefighter below are dirt easy now with Open Source (free) software! This is a huge step!