animated image on billboard

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animated image on billboard

Post by Howker »

I know how to make a billboard with a material and a texture. But how do I put an animated image on that billboard?
It's not an animated gif. It looks like this:
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Re: animated image on billboard

Post by hybrid »

You have to use a texture animator to somehow move the tex coords. Easiest is to define a texture matrix animator, which moves the actual subtexture window along the full texture. I think we don't have such an animator in the engine, yet, but it should be fairly easy to implement. Should also work on a billboard. One more note: It might be worth adding some more spacing to the texture to blow it up to 512x512 pixel. This avoids problems with several gfx cards that don't properly support npot textures.
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Re: animated image on billboard

Post by Howker »

Anyone else good ideas?
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Re: animated image on billboard

Post by hendu »

You can do it in a shader instead, if you prefer.
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Re: animated image on billboard

Post by smso »

You may animate the image by changing the texture coordinates by hybrid or hendu's method. Below is some hacky code to show how this is done:

Code: Select all

int main()
    billboard->setMaterialTexture(0, driver->getTexture("sample_animation_5x5.jpg"));
    core::vector2df translate(0.0f);    
    std::vector<core::vector2df> ts;
    for (f32 m=0.0f; m<5.0f; m+=1.0f)
        for (f32 n=0.0f; n<5.0f; n+=1.0f)
            //printf("(m,n)=(%f,%f)\n", m, n);
            translate = core::vector2df(n, m) * 0.2f;
    while (device->run())
    if (device->isWindowActive())
        static int texindex = 0;
        core::vector2df translate = ts[texindex];
        core::matrix4 mat;
        mat.buildTextureTransform(0.0f, core::vector2df(0.0f), translate, core::vector2df(0.2f));
        billboard->getMaterial(0).setTextureMatrix(0, mat);
        if (texindex > int(ts.size()-1))
            texindex = 0;
        driver->beginScene(true, true, 0);
    else { device->yield(); }
    if (device)
    return 0;

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