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Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:41 pm
by WWebber
Since I saw some older messages, I successfully run IrrLicht with Embarcadero/Borland!

BTW: 3dsmax import (with the help of 3dsmax-sdk-help) works also perfect.


Just some small changes to compile the IrrLicht.DLL:

for compiler.


Code: Select all

#ifdef __BORLANDC__
  #define sqrtf(x) ((float)sqrt(x))
//Removed dx8:

Code: Select all

//defined in IrrCompileConfig.h!
#ifdef sqrtf
  #undef sqrtf

Code: Select all

//! Creates a list of files and directories in the current working directory
IFileList* CFileSystem::createFileList()
        CFileList* r = 0;
        io::path Path = getWorkingDirectory();
        Path.replace('\\', '/');
        if (Path.lastChar() != '/')
        //! Construct from native filesystem
        if (FileSystemType == FILESYSTEM_NATIVE)
                // --------------------------------------------
                //! Windows version
                #ifdef _IRR_WINDOWS_API_
                #if !defined ( _WIN32_WCE )
                r = new CFileList(Path, true, false);
#ifndef __BORLANDC__
                struct _tfinddata_t c_file;
                long hFile;
                if( (hFile = _tfindfirst( _T("*"), &c_file )) != -1L )
                                r->addItem(Path +, c_file.size, (_A_SUBDIR & c_file.attrib) != 0, 0);
                        while( _tfindnext( hFile, &c_file ) == 0 );
                        _findclose( hFile );
                struct ffblk c_file;
                long         hFile;
                if( (hFile = findfirst( _T("*"), &c_file, 0 )) != -1L )
                                r->addItem(Path + c_file.ff_name, c_file.ff_fsize, (_A_SUBDIR & c_file.ff_attrib) != 0, 0);
                        while( findnext( &c_file ) == 0 );
                        findclose( &c_file );
                //TODO add drives
                //entry.Name = "E:\\";
                //entry.isDirectory = true;
                // --------------------------------------------
                //! Linux version
                #if (defined(_IRR_POSIX_API_) || defined(_IRR_OSX_PLATFORM_))
                r = new CFileList(Path, false, false);
                r->addItem(Path + "..", 0, true, 0);
                //! We use the POSIX compliant methods instead of scandir
                DIR* dirHandle=opendir(Path.c_str());
                if (dirHandle)
                        struct dirent *dirEntry;
                        while ((dirEntry=readdir(dirHandle)))
                                u32 size = 0;
                                bool isDirectory = false;
                                if((strcmp(dirEntry->d_name, ".")==0) ||
                                   (strcmp(dirEntry->d_name, "..")==0))
                                struct stat buf;
                                if (stat(dirEntry->d_name, &buf)==0)
                                        size = buf.st_size;
                                        isDirectory = S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode);
                                #if !defined(_IRR_SOLARIS_PLATFORM_) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
                                // only available on some systems
                                        isDirectory = dirEntry->d_type == DT_DIR;
                                r->addItem(Path + dirEntry->d_name, size, isDirectory, 0);
                //! create file list for the virtual filesystem
                r = new CFileList(Path, false, false);
                //! add relative navigation
                SFileListEntry e2;
                SFileListEntry e3;
                //! PWD
                r->addItem(Path + ".", 0, true, 0);
                //! parent
                r->addItem(Path + "..", 0, true, 0);
                //! merge archives
                for (u32 i=0; i < FileArchives.size(); ++i)
                        const IFileList *merge = FileArchives[i]->getFileList();
                        for (u32 j=0; j < merge->getFileCount(); ++j)
                                if (core::isInSameDirectory(Path, merge->getFullFileName(j)) == 0)
                                        r->addItem(merge->getFullFileName(j), merge->getFileSize(j), merge->isDirectory(j), 0);
        if (r)
        return r;

Re: Embarcadero/Borland

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 3:25 pm
by hybrid
Why do you define the sqrtf already in IrrCompileConfig? The proper way would be to include irrMath instead in the failing files. Could you please tell me where this problem occurs?

Re: Embarcadero/Borland

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:14 pm
by WWebber
Hmm. AFAIR there were cases where irrmath.h was not included at all. I forgot if it had to do with DLL or the samples.
Weird, but I removed this define again and interestingly I can compile the DLL!? Maybe I have to investigate this again.