Where to start?

If you are a new Irrlicht Engine user, and have a newbie-question, this is the forum for you. You may also post general programming questions here.
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Where to start?

Post by inform880 »

The subject says it all. I am experienced in Alllegro and PDcurses and have never programed using a 3d game engine. Are there any beginer mistakes I should avoid? And are there any simple programs I should try to make?

I guess I'm just a little overwelmed.

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Re: Where to start?

Post by theark »

I'd reccomend working through the tutorials and getting a feel for the engine. Its quite big, but once you get a hang of the structure, its pretty clear cut. From there your imagination takes charge, so have fun and explore. If you're feeling brave, take a dive into the source code, and see how its done ;)

Good luck.
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Re: Where to start?

Post by thrash242 »

I'm in the same position as you. I've mostly done text games (text adventures and roguelikes and whatnot) because I enjoy working on gameplay and design more than graphics.

However now I want to make a game that would probably be best done with 3D graphics, so here I am learning Irrlicht.

I'd say go through the tutorials and modify them and then go from there. It's not really any different from how you probably learned anything else in programming--read stuff, look at examples, experiment.

It doesn't take much code to get something that lets you move around a simple 3D environment with Irrlicht.
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Re: Where to start?

Post by Mel »

go through the tutorials, and learn some C++ basics (Allegro is still C...)
"There is nothing truly useless, it always serves as a bad example". Arthur A. Schmitt
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Re: Where to start?

Post by inform880 »

Thanks for the replies! Expect to see me on these forums a lot.
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