Strange behavior in XMLReader

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Strange behavior in XMLReader

Post by d3jake »

I came across a strange behavior of the reader while working on my game, and decided to write a test case.

I noticed that XMLReader::run() behaves strangely. After hitting an opening node, calling run() will move the position of the reader to a node without a name, but it'll have the same attribute. Call it again, and it jumps to the next node in the XML file.


Code: Select all

#include "irrlicht.h"
using namespace irr;
int main()
    io::IrrXMLReader *xml = io::createIrrXMLReader("test.xml");
    for(unsigned short int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
        printf("Node name: %s,  Attribute value: %s\n", xml->getNodeName(), xml->getAttributeValue("name"));

Code: Select all

<first_node name="fred">

Code: Select all

Node name: first_node,  Attribute value: fred
Node name:
        ,  Attribute value: fred
Node name: second_node,  Attribute value: (null)
Node name:
        ,  Attribute value: (null)
Node name: second_node,  Attribute value: (null)
Node name: first_node,  Attribute value: (null)
Press any key to continue . . .
Is this a bug\problem, or am I doing things wrong? I can make a work-around for now, which would actually be fixing the problem correctly regardless of whatever's changed here. Ideas?
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Re: Strange behavior in XMLReader

Post by CuteAlien »

Which version are you using? I changed something in svn-trunk in that area about 5 months ago to drop the empty test-nodes between real nodes (before it handled them depending on the system and the number of whitespaces like tabs. Also preserving whitespace would have been the more correct solution, but it broke too much existing stuff to change that now).

So if you still use 1.7 your case might be fixed, if it's trunk... hm, then I have to check.
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Re: Strange behavior in XMLReader

Post by d3jake »

I can test with the trunk version, I simply have never used SVN so I don't know how to download the files.
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Re: Strange behavior in XMLReader

Post by CuteAlien »

You need an svn client - on Windows most people use tortoise svn. And then check-out using as server-address ... icht/trunk (I'm not not on Windows right now, but tortoise-svn installs itself in a way you have all that stuff in the fileexplorer on right-click. On console would be: svn co ... icht/trunk your_folder) . Once it's checked out you can get updates by running an svn update on your local folder.
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Re: Strange behavior in XMLReader

Post by d3jake »

Cool! Thanks! I'll let you know once I get to testing this.
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