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Quadrotor Physics Simulation

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:09 pm
by Abraxas)
Hello Irrlicht!

I put my 'space empires' on pause since I hit my 3rd year of mechanical engineering last year. No time for that. Also, girlfriend moved in :)

So for my 4th year (last year here in Quebec) I'm working on a big project called "Capstone" which I think most north american universities require their eng students to complete before graduation.

Since I'm in Mech, I'm actually going to BUILD this thing, but as a good little engineer I need to prove to my supervision professor I'm not an ass and actually know this thing can work. So, instead of using SolidWorks or working model, I just programmed in straight in C++/Irrlicht!

Here are some screens:

Here is the executable: ...

Please test it out, the readme should be plenty helpful.

Let me know if you see any issues with the physics or controls, and if you have any graphical advice. My knowledge of sciences in order of magnitude goes PHYSICS+MATH>>>>>>>programming>>>>>>>>graphics so go easy on me :)


PS: let me know what your FPS is! if it's below 100, please provide PC specs :)

Re: Quadrotor Physics Simulation

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:34 pm
by Abraxas)
Added youtube video

Re: Quadrotor Physics Simulation

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:55 pm
by hendu
Nice, so the actual software that balances the copter is tested with this?

Re: Quadrotor Physics Simulation

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 1:00 am
by Abraxas)
Yeah, the simulation is parametrized, obviously, and certain parameters are "floating", which means you constrain as many as possible (power, weight, size) and then you aim for the "sweet spot" in control sequence.

The best control systems anticipate what the user wants to do and then provides the hardware setup to do it.