For example.
so if I change some border texture pixels locking/unlocking its buffer, it'll have no effect
Moreover if you notice terrain has fade green line on the other side, not good at all
Code: Select all
pTerrainSceneNode->getBoundingBox().MaxEdge.X / pTerrainSceneNode->getScale().X
Code: Select all
scene::IMesh* pMesh = pTerrainSceneNode->getMesh();
u32 terrainVertciesCount = 0;
for (u32 i = 0; i < pMesh->getMeshBufferCount(); ++i) {
terrainVerticesCount += pMesh->getMeshBuffer(i)->getVertexCount();
here you can also check what type of vertices you need by checking this value
u32 resultTerrainVerticesCountByAxis = core::squareroot(terrainVertciesCount);