hello, i am astonished for the irrlicht engine. It is very fast and very easy.
But the most is its internal architecture. I think nikolaus is a great enginner of software. i want to konw if nikolaus has written a book or tutorials about engineer of software. I have seen the source code (namespaces, base objects, derivate objects, interfaces,...) and i like it very much i would like to learn design software of too good. thanks for advance
a book of engineer of software of nikolaus??
well, OOP is pretty new really...in practice...
as I said.... while OOP languages have been around for some time, i dont think OO principles got really applied regularly in practice until recently. it's the advent of JAVA (which FORCES the point) which has really driven OOP concepts home in the hearts of most coders. c is really just what kernighan and richie intended it to be, a high-level form of assembly language (manual memory management and all...) and c++ while it supports OO, allows you to cheat and mix your c++ with straight C. also c++ makes use of pointers, which some feel are an inherently UN-OOP thing to do. c++ is the ultimate do-it-how-you-want language, it allows many different software design techniques to work.
personally, I am using the singleton pattern, to try and avoid using any more pointers than I need to. in large projects (like games!!) proper OOP design becomes invaluable in managing the sheer volume of code you must work with. it's just good common sense
as to how ones leanrs it, I have a degree, but have found there is more to learn from big open source projects like irrlicht. irrlicht is a great example of how to make use of interface classes and inheritance. irrlichtNX takes a different approach, no more or less correct, but also very workable.
I hope to live up to their examples with my project, FNORD...
personally, I am using the singleton pattern, to try and avoid using any more pointers than I need to. in large projects (like games!!) proper OOP design becomes invaluable in managing the sheer volume of code you must work with. it's just good common sense
as to how ones leanrs it, I have a degree, but have found there is more to learn from big open source projects like irrlicht. irrlicht is a great example of how to make use of interface classes and inheritance. irrlichtNX takes a different approach, no more or less correct, but also very workable.
I hope to live up to their examples with my project, FNORD...
My irrlicht-based projects have gone underground for now, but if you want, check out my webcomic instead! http://brokenboomerang.net
hmm. I couldn't live without pointers. . .
You do a lot of programming? Really? I try to get some in, but the debugging keeps me pretty busy.
Crucible of Stars
Crucible of Stars