I realize the intent is probably to make building and installing sharedlib optional. In a GNU Make specific makefile, or an Autoconf build, I'd have an opinion on how to implement that. Doubt I have an opinion on portable makefiles.bvanevery@nomad:~/devel/shader-pipeline/source/Irrlicht$ sudo make -k install
rm -f -r /usr/local/lib/../include/irrlicht
mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/../include/irrlicht
cp ../../include/*.h /usr/local/lib/../include/irrlicht/
cp ../../lib/Linux/libIrrlicht.so.1.8.0 /usr/local/lib
cp: cannot stat `../../lib/Linux/libIrrlicht.so.1.8.0': No such file or directory
make: *** [install] Error 1
make install expects sharedlib
make install expects sharedlib
As seen in the shader-pipeline branch, don't know if it affects trunk. "make install" behaves as though sharedlib should have been built already, but does not have sharedlib as a dependency.