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How much C++

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:32 am
by SmoothOp23
How much c++ should I learn to work with Irrlicht. I was reading c++ primer 5th edition but it seemed to cover more than was nessecary. For example bits, I doubt I will ever use them in Irrlicht. I can kind of grasp the tutorials but I don't know much c++ just loops,arrays/vectors,strings, and arithmetic. I dont know about classes. I understand pointers with ints and other built in types but I dont understand how a pointer to a driver or mesh or scenemanager work. I want to learn enough c++ to write a game with irrlicht.

Re: How much C++

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 7:21 am
by hybrid
Well, even bits can be useful, e.g. when working with the selection masks in scene node selection. Anyway, classes are fundamental, and you won't get far with just basic program logic constructs. Work through any of the C++ books until the 'advanced' stuff begins, which is also marked as such inthe books. Or - to make it more related to Irrlicht - work through the examples given in the Irrlicht SDK and read the book always when you reach a construct that you don't understand. There's no way to an Irrlicht based application without good C++ knowledge

Re: How much C++

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:31 am
by Mel
Let's say much C++ will never be enough C++... Learn as much as you can, and you will have it a lot easier.

Re: How much C++

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:07 pm
by Stauricus
well, i think you NEED pointers and classes to work with Irrlicht... and almost everything else (plus pointers and classes) to make a game.

Re: How much C++

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 11:28 am
by Lambda
On my opinion the hardest part to program in C++ or any other language is not knowing the language itself but knowing how to design your software, in order to use irrlicht and not run in a endless loop of crashes and circular dependencies you will need a decent level in C++ and software design, an example i always write to someone who wants to write "complex" C++ code is this small snippet, if you dont understand what it does and why it outputs what it does then you need to keep reading about C(++)

Code: Select all

char* test = "hello";
    while( *test )

Re: How much C++

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:15 am
by darksmaster923
Having a strong understanding of C++ will definitely help you a lot. You will write better code and design your program better if you understand why everything works together rather than simply being able to write code that functions.

Re: How much C++

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 10:40 am
by ibax
is there any GOOD book, which is dedicated to c++ with game programming? I'm searching for book like this...

Re: How much C++

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 3:00 pm
by omegasteffy
I highly recommend the video lectures on PluralSight regarding c++

Re: How much C++

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 2:55 pm
by bdpdonp
There is another possibility, c# with IrrlichtLime. C# is an easier language to learn. And with the Lime wrapper you can your irrlicht. This works well. I personally do this or use C++ with irrlicht, running comparisons.

As for books, a single book that covers c++ and graphics is not wise as it does both poorly. Get a book on C++. Ivor Horton books are good.

Then for graphics, you need to learn about Graphics in General, there are many books available or online. The books on Irrlicht are good but they assume at least a basic knowledge on Graphics.